github liquibase/liquibase v4.12.0

latest releases: v4.28.0, v4.27.1, v4.27.0...
23 months ago

Breaking Changes

Support for Snowflake database has been moved from the external extension liquibase-snowflake into the main Liquibase artifact. If you are using the snowflake extension, remove it from your lib directory or however you are including it in your project. If you are using the Docker image, the snowflake docker label will no longer be updated so you need to update your reference to either latest or the version tag you prefer. For CLI users, the Snowflake driver also ships out of the box and so you should remove that from the lib directory as well #2841


  • Quality Checks for Databases (DAT-9298) by @StevenMassaro in #2715

    • This capability extends checks from just the changelog to look at the database itself for conditions of compliance, security, and more. This is currently a Liquibase Labs restricted capability, so please contact to request a license key.
  • Added a new "liquibase.showBanner" setting. Setting this value to 'false' will disable the Liquibase startup banner from being shown. By @nvoxland in #2871

  • Added a new "liquibase.missingPropertyMode" setting to control what happens when a changelog contains a ${...} string that doesn't correspond to a set changelog property. The default continues to be "preserve" which leaves it as-is. But other possible values are ERROR or EMPTY which will either stop execution with an error or replace it with an empty string. By @dwieland in #2656

  • Added new "liquibase.preserveSchemaCase" argument to preserve the case of schemas exactly as passed to the various schema settings. Default remains "false" as before. DAT-10027 By @wwillard7800 in #2888

  • Introduced "latest" xsd file path. In addition to type XSDs references, you can now also use instead. By using "latest", Liquibase will use the bundled XSD for it's version. The uploaded "latest" XSD will always be the most recent Liquibase release, so note how they can be different and locally cached IDE versions may be different yet. By @nvoxland in #2886

  • Added new ConfiguredValueModifier extension point. This allows extensions to be written which will translate or convert configuration values from what was passed by the user before the value is passed to the internal code. By @mcred in #2252

  • Updated StandardLockService interface to make it more useful for extensions by @Cliftonz in #2785



Security Updates

  • No security updates needed in this release

JDBC Driver and Third-Party Library Updates

OWASP Dependency Check: Reported Vulnerabilities

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.11.0...v4.12.0

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