github linuxserver/docker-syncthing v1.1.0-pkg-a14eb000-ls6

latest releases: v1.29.3-ls176, v1.29.2-ls175, v1.29.2-ls174...
6 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Update Build process for v1.1.0 release.
syncthing Changes:

⚠️ Notice ⚠️

Due to adopting Go 1.12 and API changes there this release does not work on Windows XP / Server 2003 / Home Server. Syncthing 1.0.1 is the latest binary to "support" (it seemed to work, although was still not officially supported) those operating systems.


  • #5482: minHomeDiskFreePct is still present in fresh configs
  • #5493: Monitor bug: TERM signaling not passed to syncthing process
  • #5557: Hashing performance degradation when using large blocks


  • #5365: .desktop files: desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry
  • #5445: User/group ownership following parent dir

Other issues

  • #5077: TestWatchIgnore is flaky (OpenBSD (-current) Test failed)
  • #5246: TestParentDeletion fails on OpenBSD
  • #5311: Update prometheus/common/expfmt to pass tests on go1.11
  • #5454: build.go setup problems with gomodules
  • #5495: Dockerhub Docker builds fail continously
  • #5515: Missing string from Transifex

API Changes

  • Change #5479 introduces the new copyOwnershipFromParent folder
    configuration option. The default, false, matches the old behavior of
    not copying ownership information.
  • Since change #5405, large (variable size) blocks are enabled by default for newly created folders.

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