github linuxserver/docker-snipe-it v5.1.4-ls122

latest releases: v7.1.16-ls318, v7.1.16-ls317, v7.1.16-ls316...
3 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.12.
snipe-it Changes:

⚠️ IMPORTANT: 5.2.x versions of Snipe-IT will require PHP 7.4 or greater

This is a requirement in order for us to be able to pull forward the dependencies that will allow us to support PHP8 and beyond moving forward.

New in v5.1.4

  • Fixed Undefined class constant 'EM_AES_256' in spatie/laravel-backup
  • Fixed #9266 - set a colors_array variable even if other conditions are not met
  • Fixed #9299: Use correct SVG MIME type for uploads (#9300)
  • Changed debug level on bad LDAP connection (#9314)
  • Removed unnecessary apt-get clean in Dockerfile (#9201)
  • Try/catch barcodes so they don’t flood the logs when the barcode type selected isn't compatible with the barcodes themselves
  • Set SAML errors to warning instead of error so they don't flood the logs
  • Fixed custom field validation to include textarea
  • Fixed #9370 - listbox custom fields not decrypted on edit
  • Misc Docker fixes


  • Added discard changes in composer (for those weird cases where it says something changed in a vendor directory)
  • Added default logos to setting seeder
  • Add new StorageHelper and use it where it makes sense (#9276)
  • Added nunomaduro/collision because it's awesome
  • Add support for overriding the Time and Memory Limits (#8389)

For a full list of changes, see the complete changelog.


For general upgrading instructions, click here. Users who installed Snipe-IT via Git (recommended) can just run php upgrade.php.

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