github linuxserver/docker-snipe-it v5.0.4-ls108

latest releases: v8.0.4-ls320, v8.0.3-ls320, v8.0.2-ls320...
4 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.12.
snipe-it Changes:

New in v5.0.4

This is a bug fix release that should handle some of the issues reported over the past few days.

We'll be hitting them back as quickly as you can throw issues at us, so keep them coming! We appreciate it :)


  • Add a new custom validator for Users to prevent someone from managing themselves - this should resolve issues creating users via GUI and API where it would throw an erroneous "Manager ID and user ID cannot be the same" error.
  • Include audit settings text in settings overview so they get picked up by the settings filter box
  • Exclude the config directory from backups
  • Fixed #8537 - wrong sorting on dashboard
  • Fixed #8563 - Clean up AdLdap2 integration to better handle paged result-sets

IMPORTANT: This release requires PHP 7.1.3 or greater.


If your minimum password setting in Admin > Settings was previously less than 8, you should change this to 8 or greater before upgrading. Failure to update this may cause other settings to fail on saving.

If you're running into an issue with images not showing up, that's due to an outdated version of upgrade.php (outdated because of us, not you.) That script unfortunately tries (tried) to move your files to the Laravel-approved storage directory. Since that was last updated, we decided not to use that file path, so if you upgraded using upgrade.php and your images are coming up broken, please move the files in app/storage/uploads back to public/uploads and remove the symlink the upgrader created for you. (After v5.0.0, the upgrader was patched to not move those files anymore, so if you skipped the v5.0.0 upgrade you should be fine and no action is needed.)

For general upgrading instructions, click here. Users who installed Snipe-IT via Git (recommended) can just run php upgrade.php.

For a full list of changes, see the changelog.

After completing the upgrade process, be sure to clear your browser cookies.

Upgrading from v3

Please see the upgrade instructions here.

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