github linuxserver/docker-snipe-it v4.6.13-pkg-164e0029-ls35

latest releases: v7.1.16-ls318, v7.1.16-ls317, v7.1.16-ls316...
6 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

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snipe-it Changes:

New in v4.6.13

This release fixes a potential issue introduced in #6693, where we added the ability to nullify values via the API. It's a migration that sets several fields in the database to be nullable where they were sometimes previously not. (Fields are typically nullable by default, as we enforce those rules at the model level, however versions of Snipe-IT installed using a different version of MySQL may have had those fields created without the nullable attribute correctly set.)

In those cases, attempting to create assets, locations, users, etc with blank fields (even fields that are not required through the UI) could result in the MySQL error: Illuminate\Database\QueryException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'foo' cannot be null.

The issue was introduced by implementing the ConvertEmptyStringsToNull() middleware, which is necessary by the API to nullify values (versus passing empty strings), but also caused issues for folks for whom those fields were not already nullable.


For general upgrading instructions, click here. Users who installed Snipe-IT via Git (recommended) can just run php upgrade.php.

For a full list of changes, see the changelog.

IMPORTANT: This will be one of the final releases of Snipe-IT that will work with PHP5. Future versions of Snipe-IT will require PHP 7.1.3 or greater. Please start upgrading your versions of PHP to 7.1.3 to prepare for the next major release. There may be a few small bug fix releases before Snipe-IT v5, but you should start preparing now.

Known Issues

Snipe-IT v4.x is not compatible with PHP 7.3. You'll need to use a version of PHP between 5.6.4 and 7.2.x. This is due to a limitation of the underlying framework. The upcoming v5 will support 7.3+.

Users running MariaDB 10.2.7 and later may have an issue upgrading or installing, due to a change in the way MariaDB stores null defaults. This issue will be fixed once the open pull request in the Doctrine repo is merged and a new version of Doctrine is released with these fixes. You can read more about that issue here.

After completing the upgrade process below, be sure to clear your browser cookies.

Upgrading from v3

Please see the upgrade instructions here.

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