github linuxserver/docker-nzbget v24.4-ls170

latest release: testing-07f8f13-ls138
5 days ago

CI Report:

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.20.

nzbget Changes:

What's Changed

  • Features:

    • Replaced the Par2 library with Par2-turbo which provides faster file recovery on x86/ARM platforms #420
    • Better UTF-8 support #412
    • FreeBSD packaging support#417
    • the macOS package is now signed and notarized which solves the problem with removable media and excessive permission requests, and also now shipped in .dmg format
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed excessive CPU usage by decreasing cert.pem certificate loading for TLS connections #400
    • Fixed password-protected unpacking when the nzb file was added to the queue via command line #398
    • STATUS page now shows the correct Windows version Windows 7 instead of incorrectly showing Windows XP#419
    • Fixed duplications on the STATUS page #407
    • Fixed nzbget.conf.template installation path on POSIX #405
    • Fixed DaemonUsername check on QNAP #391
  • For developers:

    • Fixed postprocess tests #413
    • Removed Par2 source files from the repository. CMake now pulls and builds Par2-turbo directly from its repository

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