github linuxserver/docker-mylar3 v0.8.1-ls184

latest releases: nightly-8528fcb3-ls465, nightly-11836060-ls465, nightly-3787add2-ls465...
one month ago

CI Report:

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.19.

Remote Changes:

FIX: pullist updated to accommodate 2025 changes to the weekly format...
FIX: html_cache would not be found when using ddl after saving settings without a restart
FIX: (#1523)(#1530) Horizontal alignment of footer on index page
FIX: ddl_location would not be honored
FIX: optional cbr/cbz cache removal added

-- note--
this update is required if the pull-list is to be used properly due to the year rollover...2025!

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