github linuxserver/docker-mylar3 v0.7.7-ls131

latest releases: nightly-8528fcb3-ls465, nightly-11836060-ls465, nightly-3787add2-ls465...
14 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Install unrar from linuxserver repo.

mylar3 Changes:

IMP: Prefer HD-Upscale/HD-Digital added as an option under the DDL banner in the config page.
IMP: Permissions redid to make sure that owner / group values entered are present prior to attempting to enforce. If not available will default to the user running mylar or the group user belong to depending on what is not present.
IMP: Manage DDL page -> will now show the full filename of the pack instead of series #issuenumber (ie. Superhero # 1)

FIX: (#1461) MAC OS metadata files would be scanned in mistakingly during series page loads / rechecks
FIX: (#1444) Annuals not included during group metatagging operation
FIX: (#1446) Occasional db conflict during issue updates in previous PR
FIX: Fixed some table overlapping on the Manage DDL page resulting in overflows
FIX: Increased last issue table on main page as was cutting off/overlapping on large issue numbers
FIX: When updating series info with new issue data, if a series was paused it would un-pause and mark issues as wanted if the options were enabled (mark all as wanted, mark upcoming as wanted)
FIX: Provider order would not be honored if DDL was an available option due to the way the search thru number padding was. Will now search all possible queries in a provider before moving onto the next provider regardless of the issue number
FIX: Searching would take the cover date as the actual search date, not the store date which caused problems around the end of the year
FIX: New issues set to Skipped even when series is not paused
FIX: CDH would fail to post-process items immediately if additional items were in the sabnzbd queue
FIX: When searching for issues published in late 2023, wouldn't match to 2024 filenames due to invalid date comparison
FIX: Mark all issues as wanted config option would mark every issue of a series as Wanted after each recheck/refresh that was not in a Downloaded status, regardless of previous state (ie. manually marking an issue as Skipped)

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