github linuxserver/docker-mylar3 v0.7.5-ls120

latest releases: v0.8.1.1-ls190, nightly-9c18b903-ls463, v0.8.1.1-ls189...
16 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Install unrar from linuxserver repo.

mylar3 Changes:

IMP: Add Queues section to Activity/Jobs tab (@OddBloke)
IMP: Support fetching all search results using pagination when using DDL (@OddBloke)
IMP: Handle literal-HTML descriptions which occasionally occur - DDL (@OddBloke)
IMP: Clean up dead code, unused variables/imports, large commented blocks of code (@OddBloke)
IMP: Remove unused ALLOW_PACKS configuration options (@OddBloke)
IMP: Update to include domain name for documentation instead of wiki

FIX:(#1403) Fix call of sfs.checker when using DDL RSS search (@OddBloke)
FIX:(#1396)(#1398) Align custom non-English logger functions with stdlib (@OddBloke)
FIX: Stop searching when first matching issue is found with DDL (@OddBloke)

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