github linuxserver/docker-mylar3 v0.7.1-ls89

latest releases: v0.8.0-ls175, nightly-9e283397-ls448, nightly-9e283397-ls447...
18 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Alpine 3.17.

mylar3 Changes:

IMP: Update (@DieselTech)

FIX: Tweaked Issue ID parsing to handle any subsequent numbers in Notes field (@falo2k)
FIX: Rechecking Story-Arc directory fails on missing issue numbers (@qubidt)
FIX:(#1179) Allow for POST method on pages where large amounts of data is being sent (ie.config/manage)
FIX:(#1321) Imprints would take json naming convention over CV (ini option added)

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