github linuxserver/docker-mylar3 v0.4.9.6-ls15

latest releases: nightly-9e283397-ls430, v0.8.0-ls157, nightly-9e283397-ls429...
3 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.13.
mylar3 Changes:

  • IMP: When the weekly pull job runs, it will now recreate the pull for the previous week in order to capture any stragglers due to CV not updating items until the following week
  • IMP: Changed the entire method Mylar uses to maintain series being up-to-date (details in #650)
  • FIX: Add pystun to requirements.txt
  • FIX: Remove dependency on pyinstaller (#620)
  • FIX: fixed the Force option and Status not updating for the DB Updater under Schedulers
  • FIX: fixed 'Force RSS' option not working if RSS wasn't enabled,
  • FIX: Removed newznab/torznab identifier from on snatch notifs

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