github linuxserver/docker-kavita v0.8.5.11-ls69

one day ago

CI Report:

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebase to Ubuntu Noble.

Remote Changes:

I decided to do one more hotfix as there was an annoying bug for multi-root libraries that causes flip-flopping (the same issue as covers disappearing). This also contains some fixes around scrobbling and misc other bugs reported that are a good fit.

v0.8.6 is still planned to focus on the Scanner and finishing off the Kavita+ Polish.


  • Changed: Locale selection now shows the total percentage of completion of the locale.
  • Changed: Cleaned up some code around localization as a way to hopefully fight the keys showing in the UI on new versions.
  • Changed: (Kavita+) When a user removes the Kavita+ license from their instance, stop doing all K+ Background tasks instead of waiting for the next restart.
  • Changed: (Kavita+) Kavita will now clean up old scrobble events for users that don't have an anilist token on their account, so that events that will never get processed get cleaned up.
  • Changed: (Kavita+) When sourcing descriptions from Kavita+, remove the (Source: X).


  • Fixed: Fixed a bug where a signature on an API was wrong
  • Fixed: (Kavita+) Fixed a length issue for reviews from Kavita+ that could break metadata matching
  • Fixed: (Kavita+) Fixed some edge case handling of want to read scrobbling and potentially some issues around events that never get processed.
  • Fixed: Fixed unable to start Kavita for the first time on DD/MM/YYYY locales (Thanks @Fesaa )
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug where multi-root libraries would delete and recreate series in one of non-first folders
  • Fixed: Fixed reading list not respecting age restrictions (Thanks @Fesaa )


  • Updated the ReadHistoryEvent to expose ReadDateUtc instead of just the server timezone date. (Thanks @0xGingi)

Known Issues

  • Docker images aren't showing Locale names correctly (this will be fixed v0.8.6)

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