github linuxserver/docker-grocy v3.0.0-ls84

latest releases: v4.2.0-ls267, v4.2.0-ls266, v4.2.0-ls265...
3 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Rebasing to alpine 3.12.
grocy Changes:

⚠️ The major version bump is due to breaking API changes, please see below if you use the API

New feature: Use any product related quantity unit anywhere

  • Finally it's possible to use any product related quantity unit on any page
  • Products still have one quantity unit stock and one (default) quantity unit purchase, but any QU, which has a direct or indirect conversion for that product, can be used to pick an amount
    • Because the stock quantity unit is now the base for everything, it cannot be changed after the product was once added to stock (for now, maybe there will be a possibilty to change it in a future release)

New feature: Prefill purchase data by barcodes

  • Imagine you buy for example eggs in different pack sizes and they have different barcodes
  • Each product barcode can be assigned an amount, quantity unit and store (on the product edit page), which is then automatically prefilled on the purchase page
  • Additionally, the last price per barcode will be tracked and prefilled as a "Total price" on purchase
  • (Thanks @kriddles for the initial work on this)

New feature: User permissions

  • Users can now have permissions, can be configured per user on the "Manage users" page (lock icon)
  • Default permissions for new users can be set via a new config.php setting DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS (defaults to ADMIN, so no changed behavior when not configured)
  • All currently existing users will get all permissions (ADMIN) during the update/migration
  • Creating API keys on the "Manage API keys"-page (top right corner settings menu) now requires the ADMIN permission
    • Other users only see their API keys on that page
  • (Thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc for the initial work on this)

New feature: External authentication support

  • New config.php setting AUTH_CLASS to change the used authentication provider
  • Via LDAP
    • New config.php settings LDAP_DOMAIN, LDAP_ADDRESS and LDAP_BASE_DN
    • If you set AUTH_CLASS to Grocy\Middleware\LdapAuthMiddleware, users will be authenticated against your directory (and will also be created (in grocy), if not already present)
  • Via a reverse proxy
    • New config.php setting REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_HEADER
    • If you set AUTH_CLASS to Grocy\Middleware\ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware and your reverse proxy sends a username in the HTTP header REMOTE_USER (header name can be changed by the setting REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_HEADER), the user is automatically authenticated (and will also be created (in grocy), if not already present)
    • (Thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc for the initial work on this)

Stock improvements/fixes

  • Changes about best before dates: It's now possible to distinguish between best before dates and expiration dates:
    • New product option "Due date type" (defaults to "Best before date")
    • Wording changes:
      • All current places where "Best before date" was used now use "Due date"
      • Products with Due date type = Best before date (so all existing products) are "due" or "overdue" (they don't "expire" or are "expired")
      • Products with Due date type = Expiration date (new option) can "expire" or are "expired"
    • Color changes:
      • Products which are due soon or expire soon are (still) highlighted in yellow
      • Products which are overdue are highlighted in grey (there is also a new filter button on the stock overview page for them)
      • Products which are expired (new option) are highlighted in red
  • When creating a quantity unit conversion it's now possible to automatically create the inverse conversion (thanks @kriddles)
  • The product option "Allow partial units in stock" was removed, partial amounts are now possible by default for all products
  • On purchase there is now a warning shown, when the due date of the purchased product is earlier than the next due date in stock (enabled by default, can be disabled by a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu))
  • The amount to be used for the "quick consume/open buttons" on the stock overview page can now be configured per product (new product option "Quick consume amount", defaults to 1)
    • This "Quick consume amount" can optionally also be used as the default on the consume page (new stock setting / top right corner settings menu)
  • Products can now be duplicated (new dropdown menu item on the products list page, all fields will be preset from the copied product, except the name)
  • Products can now be merged (new dropdown menu item on the products list page)
    • Useful if you have two products which are basically the same and want to replace all occurrences of one with the other one
  • When consuming or opening a parent product, which is currently not in stock, any in-stock sub product will now be consumed/opened (like already automatically done when consuming recipes)
  • Opened stock entries get now consumed first by default when no specific stock entry is used/selected
    • So the default consume rule is now "Opened first, then first due first, then first in first out"
  • Optimized/clarified what the total/unit price on the purchase page is (thanks @kriddles)
  • On the purchase page the amount field is now displayed above/before the due date for better TAB handling (thanks @kriddles)
  • Changed that when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING is disabled, products now get internally a due date of "never overdue" (aka 2999-12-31) instead of today (thanks @kriddles)
  • Products can now be disabled to keep the history/journal, but hide it everywhere, without deleting it (new product option "Active", deleting a product now explicitly also deletes its journal and all other references) (thanks @kriddles for the initial work on this)
  • Products can now be hidden from the stock overview page, even if they are in-stock (new product option "Never show on stock overview", disabled by default, so no changed behavior when not configured)
    • That's maybe useful for parent products you only use as a kind of "container"
  • The due date is now also prefilled on the inventory page based on the products "Default due days" (was only done on the purchase page before)
  • On the stock journal page, it's now visible if a consume-booking was spoiled
  • It's now tracked who made a stock change (currently logged in user, visible on the stock journal page) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Product edit page improvements ("Save & continue" button, deleting and adding a product picuture is now possible in one go) (thanks @Ma27)
  • For products with tare weight handling enabled, it's now optionally possible to consume a fixed/exact amount (just like for "normal" products) in case you don't want to weigh the whole container this time (new checkbox on the consume page) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • The stock overview page now also shows the value - new column and also the total value in the header (thanks @kriddles)
  • It's now possible to set a custom purchased date on purchase (new field on the purchase and inventory page, hidden by default - enable it by a new stock setting (top right corner settings menu)) (thanks @kriddles)
  • The decimal places for all amount and price inputs can now be configured (stock settings / top right corner settings menu, default for amounts is 4, for prices 2)
  • When clicking the product name on the shopping list, the product card will now be displayed (like on the stock overview page) (thanks @kriddles)
  • On the product card there is now also a button to jump directly to the stock entries of the corresponding product (thanks @kriddles)
  • The product picker workflows can now also be started by ENTER (additionally to TAB)
  • Added a "retry camera barcode scan" button (button with camera icon, shortcut C) to the product picker workflow dialog
  • Added more filters on the stock journal page
  • Added a grouped/summarized stock journal (new button "Journal summary" at the top of the stock journal page) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
    • Provides an overview of summarized transactions per product, transaction type and user + summarized amount
  • The product option "Default due days after freezing" now also supports -1 (like the option "Default due days") to set the product to "never due" on freezing
  • Fixed that changing the products "Factor purchase to stock quantity unit" not longer messes up historical prices (which results for example in wrong recipe costs) (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that when adding products through a product picker workflow and when the created products contains special characters, the product was not preselected on the previous page (thanks @Forceu)
  • Fixed that when editing a product the default store was not visible / always empty regardless if the product had one set (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that FEATURE_SETTING_STOCK_COUNT_OPENED_PRODUCTS_AGAINST_MINIMUM_STOCK_AMOUNT (option to configure if opened products should be considered for minimum stock amounts) was not handled correctly (thanks @teddybeermaniac)
  • Fixed that the "Due soon" sum (yellow filter button) on the stock overview page didn't include products which are due today (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that the shopping cart icon on the stock overview page was also shown if the product was on an already deleted shopping list (if enabled) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that when editing a stock entry without a price, the price field was prefilled with 1
  • Fixed that the location & product groups filter on the stock overview page used a contains search instead of an exact search
  • Fixed that the amount on the success popup was wrong when consuming a product with "Tare weight handling" enabled
  • Fixed that the aggregated amount of parent products was wrong on the stock overview page when the child products had not the same stock quantity units
  • Fixed that edited stock entries were not considered for the price history chart on the product card
  • Fixed that FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK_BEST_BEFORE_DATE_TRACKING is set to false, the purchase page validation failed (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that consuming (and editing the amount of) products with enabled tare weight handling did not work on the stock entries page
  • Fixed that the recipes dropdown on the consume page also displayed internal recipes (thanks @kriddles)
  • Fixed that opening tare weight handling enabled products is prevented via the UI and the API (as this makes no sense)
  • Fixed that undoing a consume transaction of an opened item added it back to stock unopened
  • Fixed that a "Total price" on purchase was not handled correctly for tare weight handling enabled products (the total price was wrongly related to the amount including the tare weight)

Shopping list improvements

  • Added a button to add all currently in-stock but overdue and expired products to the shopping list (thanks @m-byte)
  • Improved that when FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK is disabled, all product/stock related inputs and buttons are now hidden on the shopping list page (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Shopping list items can now have their own Userfields (entity shopping_list), on the shopping list table those fields are rendered additionally to the product Userfields
  • The print view is now configurable (new dialog before printing - option to hide header, group products by their product group, alternative list layout)
  • Fixed that "Add products that are below defined min. stock amount" always rounded up the missing amount to an integral number, this now allows decimal numbers

Recipe improvements/fixes

  • It's now possible to print recipes (button next to the recipe title) (thanks @zsarnett)
  • Changed that recipe costs are now based on the costs of the products picked by the default consume rule ("Opened first, then first due first, then first in first out") (thanks @kriddles)
    • Recipe costs were based on the last purchase price per product before, so this now better reflects the current real costs
  • Improved the recipe add workflow (a recipe called "New recipe" is now not automatically created when starting to add a recipe) (thanks @zsarnett)
  • On the recipe page, the calories and costs per ingredient are now shown to get a better overview of how much each ingredient contributed
  • Fixed that images on the recipe gallery view were not scaled correctly on larger screens (thanks @zsarnett)
  • Fixed that decimal ingredient amounts maybe resulted in wrong conversions or truncated decimal places if your locale does not use a dot as the decimal separator (thanks @m-byte)
  • Fixed that a recipe cannot be included in itself (because this will cause an infinite loop) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that when editing a recipe ingredient the checkbox "Disable stock fulfillment checking for this ingredient" was not initaliased with the saved value
  • Fixed that the status filter ("Enough in stock", etc.) on the recipes page did not filter recipes on the gallery tab (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that consuming a recipe ingredient with tare weight handling enabled consumed a wrong amount (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that consuming a parent product recipe ingredient did not consider quantity unit conversion when effectively consuming a child product

Meal plan fixes

  • Fixed that for products the quantity unit purchase was displayed instead of the products quantity unit stock (thanks @BenoitAnastay)

Chores improvements/fixes

  • Chores can now be disabled to keep the history/journal, but hide it everywhere, without deleting it (new chore option "Active", deleting a chore now explicitly also deletes its journal and all other references)
  • Changed that not assigned chores on the chores overview page display now just a dash instead of an ellipsis in the "Assigned to" column to make this more clear (thanks @Germs2004)
  • The assignment type "Random" now don't prevents anymore that the last user will be assigned next
  • Fixed (again) that weekly chores, where the next execution should be in the same week, were scheduled (not) always (but sometimes) for the next week only (thanks @shadow7412)
  • Fixed that the assignment type "In alphabetic order" did not work correctly (the last person in the list was always assigned next once reached) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)

Equipment improvements

  • There is now a button to download the instruction manual (next to the "expand to fullscreen"-button)

Calendar improvements/fixes

  • Events are now links to the corresponding page (thanks @zsarnett)
  • Fixed a PHP warning when using the "Share/Integrate calendar (iCal)" button (thanks @tsia)
  • Fixed that "Track date only"-chores were always displayed at 12am (are now displayed as all-day events)
  • Fixed that it was not possible to switch to an other view than the default one on mobile (thanks @PhyberApex)

Tasks improvements

  • Tasks don't need to unique anymore (name field)

Batteries improvements

  • Batteries can now be disabled to keep the history/journal, but hide it everywhere, without deleting it (new battery option "Active", deleting a battery now explicitly also deletes its journal and all other references)

Userfield improvements/fixes

  • New Userfield type "File" to attach any file, will be rendered as a link to the file in tables (if enabled) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • New Userfield type "Picture" to attach a picture, the picture will be rendered (small) in tables (if enabled) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • New Userfield type "Link (with title)" - a link with a title (two input fields), so that the title is rendered in tables (if enabled) instead of the link itself
  • Userfields can now be reordered on the input form (new field "Sort number" per Userfield, fields will be ordered by that number, if any)
  • Users can now also have Userfields

General & other improvements/fixes

  • UI refresh / style improvements (thanks @zsarnett for the idea and initial work on this)
  • Improved mobile views (thanks @4lloyd for the idea and initial work on this)
    • The buttons on the top of each page and the filter row is now collapsed (use the ellipsis/filter button to show them, this also superseded the shopping list compact view)
    • Tables are horizontally scrollable (instead of collapsing columns which don't fit)
  • All tables are now customizable (new little eye icon on the top left corner on each table)
    • Table columns be shown/hidden
      • There are also new columns on some pages, hidden by default
        • Stock overview: Value, Product group, Calories, Last purchased, Last price, Min. stock amount
        • Products list: Default store
        • Shopping list: Last price (Unit), Last price (Total), Default store, Barcodes (as scannable code-image)
    • Row grouping can be customized to use any available column (thanks @edenhaus)
  • Table states (visible columns, sorting, column order and so on) are now saved server side (in user settings) means that this stays the same when using different browsers
  • Dialogs are now used everywhere where appropriate instead of jumping between pages (for example when adding/editing shopping list items)
  • Added a "Clear filter"-button on all pages (with filters) to quickly reset applied filters
  • Users can now have a picture (will then be shown next to the current user name instead of the generic user icon)
  • Prefilled number inputs now use sensible decimal places (max. the configured decimals while hiding trailing zeros where appropriate, means if you never use partial amounts for a product, you'll never see decimals for it)
  • Improved / more precise validation messages for number inputs
  • Optimized what's hidden when GROCY_FEATURE_FLAG_STOCK is disabled
    • Products, quantity units and product groups are possible to use now
    • Means you can use for example the shopping list, recipes and the meal plan with products while the "stock handling part" is hidden
  • Ordering now happens case-insensitive
  • The data path (previously fixed to the data folder) is now configurable, making it possible to run multiple grocy instances from the same directory (with different config.php files / different database, etc.) (thanks @fgrsnau)
    • Via an environment variable GROCY_DATAPATH (higher priority)
    • Via an FastCGI parameter GROCY_DATAPATH (lower priority)
  • The language can now be set per user (see the new user settings page / top right corner settings menu) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
    • Additionally, the language is now also auto-guessed based on the browser locale (HTTP-Header Accept-Language)
    • The config.php option CULTURE was renamed to DEFAULT_LOCALE
    • So the used language is based on (in that order)
      • The user setting
      • If not set, then based on browser locale
      • If no matching localizaton was found, DEFAULT_LOCALE from config.php is used
  • Performance improvements (page loading time) of the stock overview page (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • The prerequisites checker now also checks for the minimum required SQLite version (thanks @Forceu)
  • Replaced (again, added before in v2.7.0, then reverted in v2.7.1 due to some problems) QuaggaJS (seems to be unmaintained) by Quagga2
  • More config.php settings (see the section Component configuration for Quagga2) to tweak Quagga2 (this is the component used for device camera for barcode scanning) (thanks @andrelam)
  • Some localization string fixes (thanks @duckfullstop)
  • Better error pages
  • Fixed that numeric and date-time sorting of table columns did not work correctly
  • Fixed that XSS / HTML injection was possible through some user input fields (low severity / not really a problem as this could not be abused unauthenticated)
  • New translations: (thanks all the translators)

API improvements/fixes

  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • All prices are now related to the products stock quantity unit (instead of the products purchase QU)
    • All (product) amounts are now related to the products stock quantity unit (was related to the products purchase QU for the shopping list before)
    • The product object no longer has a field barcodes with a comma separated barcode list, instead barcodes are now stored in a separate table/entity product_barcodes (use the existing "Generic entity interactions" endpoints to access them)
    • The endpoint /objects/{entity}/search was removed (use the existing /objects/{entity} endpoint with new new filter capabilities mentioned below)
    • The output / field names of ProductDetailsResponse have slightly changed (endpoint /stock/products/{productId})
    • Endpoint /stock/volatile
      • The query parameter expring_days was renamed to due_soon_days
      • The field expiring_products was renamed to due_products
      • The field expired_products now only contains expired products (so them with Due date type = Expiration date)
      • The new field overdue_products contains only overdue products (so them with Due date type = Best before date)
    • The following endpoints now return all bookings of the transaction (so the response is now an array, was before a single stock booking - and a random one if the transaction affected multiple stock entries)
      • PUT /stock/entry/{entryId}
      • POST /stock/products/{productId}/add
      • POST /stock/products/{productId}/consume
      • POST /stock/products/{productId}/transfer
      • POST /stock/products/{productId}/inventory
      • POST /stock/products/{productId}/open
      • POST /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/add
      • POST /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume
      • POST /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/transfer
      • POST /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/inventory
      • POST /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/open
      • (The response is the same as if you would fetch the stock transaction via /stock/transactions/{transactionId})
  • For better integration (apps), it's now possible to show a QR-Code for API keys (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
    • New QR-Code button on the "Manage API keys"-page (top right corner settings menu), the QR-Codes contains <API-Url>|<API-Key>
    • And on the calendar page when using the button "Share/Integrate calendar (iCal)", there the QR-Codes contains the Share-URL (which is displayed in the textbox above)
  • The output of the following endpoints can now be filtered (by any field), ordered and paginated (thanks for the initial work on this @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
    • /objects/{entity}
    • /stock/products/{productId}/entries
    • /stock/products/{productId}/locations
    • /recipes/fulfillment
    • /users
    • /tasks
    • /chores
    • /batteries
    • There are 4 new (optional) query parameters to utilize that
      • order The field to order by (use the separator : to specify the sort order - asc or desc, defaults to asc when omitted)
      • limit The maximum number of objects to return
      • offset The number of objects to skip
      • query[] An array of conditions, each of them is a string in the form of <field><condition><value>, where
        • <field> is a field name
        • <condition> is a comparison operator, one of
          • = equal
          • != not equal
          • ~ LIKE
          • !~ not LIKE
          • < less
          • > greater
          • <= less or equal
          • >= greater or equal
          • § regular expression
        • <value> is the value to search for
  • New endpoint /stock/shoppinglist/add-overdue-products to add all currently in-stock but overdue products to a shopping list (thanks @m-byte)
  • New endpoint /stock/shoppinglist/add-expired-products to add all currently in-stock but expired products to a shopping list
  • New endpoints GET/POST/PUT /users/{userId}/permissions for the new user permissions feature mentioned above
  • New endpoint /user to get the currently authenticated user
  • New endpoint DELETE /user/settings/{settingKey} to delete a user setting
  • New endpoint POST /stock/products/{productIdToKeep}/merge/{productIdToRemove} for the new product merging feature mentioned above
  • The following entities are now also available via the endpoint /objects/{entity} (only listing, no edit)
    • stock_log (the stock journal)
    • stock (the "raw" stock entries)
    • stock_current_locations (info how much of each product is currently stored at which location)
  • Performance improvements of the /stock/products/* endpoints (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • The endpoint /stock/products/{productId}/locations now also has an optional query parameter include_sub_products to optionally also return locations of sub products of the given product
  • The following endpoints now have an optional request body parameter allow_subproduct_substitution to consume/open any child product when the given product is a parent product and currently not in stock
    • /stock/products/{productId}/consume
    • /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/consume
    • /stock/products/{productId}/open
    • /stock/products/by-barcode/{barcode}/open
  • Fixed that the endpoint /objects/{entity}/{objectId} always returned successfully, even when the given object not exists (now returns 404 when the object is not found) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that the endpoint /stock/volatile didn't include products which are due today (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that the endpoint /objects/{entity} did not include Userfields for Userentities (so the effective endpoint /objects/userobjects)
  • Fixed that the endpoint /stock/consume returned the response code 200 and an empty response body when stock_entry_id was set (consuming a specific stock entry) but invalid (now returns the response code 400) (thanks @fipwmaqzufheoxq92ebc)
  • Fixed that the endpoint /user/settings/{settingKey} didn't return the default setting if it was not configured for the current user (same behavior as the endpoint /user/settings now)
  • Endpoint /calendar/ical: Fixed that "Track date only"-chores were always set to happen at 12am (are treated as all-day events now)
  • Fixed (again) that CORS was broken

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