github linuxserver/docker-cops 1.4.2-ls153

latest releases: 3.5.4-ls246, 3.5.4-ls245, 3.5.4-ls244...
18 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Undeprecate and add new branch with mikespub fork which is actively maintained.

seblucas-cops Changes:

This is the new public release of COPS for PHP 8.x as this fork is called (although it does support PHP 7.4 as well).

Main changes include:

  • 1.4.2 - 20230814 Fix OPDS renderer + add sorting & filtering options to bootstrap2
    incl. pull requests #10 and #11 from @dunxd and seblucas/cops#488 from @cbckly
  • 1.4.1 - 20230728 Clean-up before next release
  • 1.4.0 - 20230721 Use namespaces in PHP lib, upgrade jquery npm asset + sausage package

Full Changelog: mikespub-org/seblucas-cops@1.4.0...1.4.2

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