github linuxserver/docker-cops 1.3.6-ls150

latest releases: 3.5.7-ls248, 3.5.4-ls247, 3.5.4-ls246...
19 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Undeprecate and add new branch with mikespub fork which is actively maintained.

seblucas-cops Changes:

This release supports sending EPUB to Kindle and limit the email address. It also fixes some old issues for custom columns with series and csv test, and adds support for wildcard selection of custom columns in index, list and display. Also, it introduces a basic REST API as another way to access the JSON Renderer.

1.3.6 - 20230714 Add REST API, limit email address, clean up constants + fix book test
incl. Limit sending to a single email address - see pull request #7 from @dunxd

1.3.5 - 20230712 Send EPUB, fix custom columns, support wildcard + add tests
incl. Replace offering to email MOBI with EPUB - see pull request #6 from @dunxd

See previous releases for other changes compared to the original

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