LinuxServer Changes:
Deprecate armhf. As announced here
bazarr Changes:
From newest to oldest:
- Moved file encoding to charset-normalizer instead of chardet that is causing too much issues. #2196 dd9ce4d
- Improved provider to deal with return codes in some edge cases. #2179 529b5a1
- Fixed exception raised when get_episodesFiles_from_sonarr_api() doesn't return proper content. #2188 cfc8a91
- Fixed requirements.txt to use only wheels for Pillow since compilation doesn't work on 32bits Python embedded in Windows installer version. da7879a
- Fixed upgradable subtitles logic being called even if user do not want to upgrade existing subtitles. dfd8bed
- Added description of "provider" to post-processing option 35dfa24
- Fixed monitored status tooltip for series/movie view 59d00f2