github linuxserver-archive/docker-plex-meta-manager v1.15.1-ls1

latest releases: v1.21.1-ls104, develop-87f26212-ls85, nightly-87f26212-ls36...
3 years ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Initial Release.

Plex-Meta-Manager Changes:

Requirements Update (requirements will need to be reinstalled)

Updated PlexAPI requirement to 4.9.1
Replaced requirement tmdbv3api with TMDbAPIs version 0.1.8

New Features

Adds MdbList Builders thanks @linaspurinis
Closes #582 adds --run-metadata-files run command to only run specific metadata files
Closes #585 Genre can be mapped to Nothing to have them removed instead
Closes #586 Added tmdb_genre Tag Filter
Closes #593 Adds show_asset_not_needed Setting to control the asset update not needed messages
Closes #594 Adds show_missing_season_assets Setting to show missing episode title cards
Closes #596 added item_refresh_delay to pause between item_refresh of items on a collection/playlist Thanks @axsuul
Closes #607 duration filter now accepts a decimal value for times less than a minute
Closes #609 adds non_item_remove_label to remove this give labels from any item not found by the collection
Closes #620 adds IDs sent to *arrs to the collection webhook
Closes #630 Adds custom_repo global setting to define your own repo like the community GitHub.
Closes #650 add plex_pilots tv episode builder which grabs the first episode of every show in your library.

Bug Fixes

Fixes #603 sort_by Error
Fixes #608 Doesn't throw an error if an item doesn't have advance preferences
Fixes #624 tmdb_collections are now considered managed
Fixes #629 and Fixes #634 Music Library and Playlist Assets work now
Fixes #633 Track Metadata is updated
Fixes #647 genre_mapper works again

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