github linux-system-roles/selinux 1.3.3
test with ansible 2.12; add meta/requirements.yml; fix lint issues

latest releases: 1.7.6, 1.7.5, 1.7.4...
2 years ago

Add meta/requirements.yml; support ansible-core 2.11

The selinux role requires ansible.posix.{selinux,seboolean} and
community.general.{seport,sefcontext,selogin}. Add requirements
for the ansible.posix and community.general collections.

Updated .ansible-lint to support meta/requirements.yml.

Add meta/requirements.yml; support ansible-core 2.11 (#94)

  • Add meta/requirements.yml; support ansible-core 2.11

Add an instruction to install requirements to

  • Add Requirements section header

Add Requirements section header

fix ansible-lint issues (#95)

make sure all tasks are named
use reboot module instead of command

support python 39, ansible-core 2.12, ansible-plugin-scan (#96)

update tox-lsr version to 2.7.1 (#97)

update the tox-lsr version used in github actions tox CI
to 2.7.1

The only difference between this an 2.7.0 is that Ansible 2.12
is now GA.

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