All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.4.0 (2025-03-14)
- add coderepository schema & fixtures (#1945) (0382ee1)
- added semantic-release gh-actions (#1933) (8b379fa)
- added upgrade script for secrets (#1967) (86b8ae0)
- api endpoint (#1982) (24b45e9)
- Add self-service option for admins to add external helm charts to the catalog (#1979) (fb993e1)
- create service accounts for gitea organizations (#1929) (40a3d20)
- deploy sealed secrets from the values repo (#1924) (f70c855)
- update versions.yaml (#1989) (69224d6)
Bug Fixes
- check for helm secrets version and update it (#1927) (b74377c)
- checking if gitea is ready in git-clone tasks (#1936) (a3dfb4a)
- falco dashboard title (#1928) (d0fb19c)
- generate password with special characters (#1938) (f16ce6b)
- ignoreDifferences for apps created by team-admin (#1995) (80e260e)
- removed git error which can expose credentials (#1944) (4c00fa1)
- unique admin password for gitea (#1910) (a2f1349)
- unique admin password for gitea (#1940) (eea8299)
- workload with validatingwebhookcfg (#1942) (70d6aee)
- add charts and alias (#1931) (57c74ec)
- added alias for rabbitmq operator (#1966) (c557cbf)
- added more linode types to the integration workflow (#1976) (2c6e084)
- update chart index and improve checks (#1963) (0ee8cd2)
- update chart references (#1937) (fea5c4c)
- update workflow to support k8s 1.32 and wait for kubeconfig (#1943) (ab7b631)
- chart-deps: update cert-manager to version v1.17.1 (#1941) (e634d34)
- chart-deps: update harbor to version 1.16.2 (#1903) (af1a3a0)
- chart-deps: update rabbitmq-cluster-operator to version 3.20.1 (#1969) (d3f8a2f)
- deps: bump helm/chart-releaser-action from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (#1901) (d759673)
- deps: bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 (#1893) (abdee3d)
- tasks version to 3.7.0 (#1977) (cfa5608)
- updated api and console versions (#1999) (753e480)
- versions (#1970) (40ef843)
4.3.0 (2025-02-10)
- add coverage to github ci (#1920) (232bb48)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.32 (#1894) (9b1e19c)
- added more charts to the chart-index (#1900) (061d372)
- updating teams defaults (#1909) (6dc29db)
- fix decrypt (#1922) (ea3badf)
- fix open redirect vulnerability (#1899) (f180cc9)
- increase Gitea timeout (#1921) (21a0691)
- lowering DBs cpu resources (#1891) (07ba2b9)
Bug Fixes
- added team networkpolicies to the team-ns values gotemplate (#1902) (51300a5)
- bootstrap team password (#1917) (b5ac229)
- encryption (#1919) (3773a29)
- package-lock (#1923) (4d488b7)
- team network policies (#1904) (9b5ee85)
- update message (#1889) (152dcd2)
- update session settings for Gitea (#1908) (0b639bb)
- use emptydir for Gitea backup volume on custom provider (#1898) (80ebd93)
- chart-deps: update cert-manager to version v1.16.2 (#1874) (bfeb0a0)
- chart-deps: update cert-manager to version v1.16.3 (#1896) (7d78be9)
- chart-deps: update cloudnative-pg to version 0.23.0 (#1880) (84748ed)
- chart-deps: update harbor to version 1.16.1 (#1892) (75fc895)
- chart-deps: update promtail to version 6.16.6 (#1877) (bada051)
- chart-deps: update sealed-secrets to version 2.17.1 (#1897) (e3f074a)
- deps: bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#1869) (ea9e397)
- deps: bump actions/setup-node from 3 to 4 (#1868) (d13e48c)
- deps: bump linode/apl-tools from v2.8.6 to v2.8.7 (#1870) (21dcaf9)
- update changelog (#1890) (2c0e39f)
- update console and api to latest release (#1932) (0fab990)
- update task version to 3.6.0 (#1895) (5e07fd0)
- update task version to 3.6.1 (#1916) (9e1b61f)
- updated trivy-operator helm chart registry (#1905) (6cb6017)
What's Changed
- fix: unique admin password for gitea by @j-zimnowoda in #1910
- feat: deploy sealed secrets from the values repo by @j-zimnowoda in #1924
- ci: update chart references by @merll in #1937
- revert: fix - unique admin password for gitea by @merll in #1939
- fix: check for helm secrets version and update it by @ElderMatt in #1927
- chore(deps): bump helm/chart-releaser-action from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 by @dependabot in #1901
- chore(deps): bump ncipollo/release-action from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in #1893
- fix: generate password with special characters by @ferruhcihan in #1938
- fix: APL-572 checking if gitea is ready in git-clone task by @Ani1357 in #1936
- fix: falco dashboard title by @j-zimnowoda in #1928
- ci: update workflow to support k8s 1.32 and wait for kubeconfig by @merll in #1943
- fix: unique admin password for gitea by @merll in #1940
- fix: workload with validatingwebhookcfg by @srodenhuis in #1942
- fix: removed git error which can expose credentials by @Ani1357 in #1944
- ci: add charts and alias by @merll in #1931
- chore(chart-deps): update harbor to version 1.16.2 by @svcAPLBot in #1903
- chore(chart-deps): update cert-manager to version v1.17.1 by @svcAPLBot in #1941
- feat: create service accounts for gitea organizations by @ElderMatt in #1929
- ci: update chart index and improve checks by @merll in #1963
- chore: versions by @ferruhcihan in #1970
- feat: add coderepository schema & fixtures by @ferruhcihan in #1945
- ci: added alias for rabbitmq operator by @merll in #1966
- feat: added upgrade script for secrets by @merll in #1967
- chore: tasks version to 3.7.0 by @ElderMatt in #1977
- ci: added more linode types to the integration workflow by @Ani1357 in #1976
- ci: added semantic-release gh-actions by @Ani1357 in #1933
- chore(chart-deps): update rabbitmq-cluster-operator to version 3.20.1 by @merll in #1969
- feat: api endpoint by @merll in #1982
- feat: APL-556, Add self-service option for admins to add external helm charts to the catalog by @dennisvankekem in #1979
- feat: update versions.yaml by @ferruhcihan in #1989
- fix: ignoreDifferences for apps created by team-admin by @srodenhuis in #1995
- chore: updated api and console versions by @Ani1357 in #1999
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.4.0