github linkerd/linkerd2 edge-21.2.4

latest releases: edge-24.6.3, edge-24.6.2, edge-24.6.1...
3 years ago


This edge is a release candidate for stable-2.10.0! It wraps up the functional
changes planned for the upcoming stable release. We hope you can help us test
this in your staging clusters so that we can address anything unexpected before
an official stable.

This release introduces support for CLI extensions. The Linkerd check command
will now invoke each extension's check command so that users can check the
health of their Linkerd installation and extensions with one command. Additional
documentation will follow for developers interested in creating extensions.

Additionally, there is no longer a default list of ports skipped by the proxy.
These ports have been moved to opaque ports, meaning protocols like MySQL will
be encrypted by default and without user input.

  • Cleaned up entries in values.yaml by removing do not edit entries; they
    are now hardcoded in the templates
  • Added the count of service profiles installed in a cluster to the Heartbeat
  • Fixed CLI commands which would unnecessarily print usage instructions after
    encountering API errors (thanks @piyushsingariya!)
  • Fixed the install command so that it errors after detecting there is an
    existing Linkerd installation in the cluster
  • Changed the identity controller to receive the trust anchor via environment
    variable instead of by flag; this allows the certificate to be loaded from a
    config map or secret (thanks @mgoltzsche!)
  • Updated the proxy to use TLS version 1.3; support for TLS 1.2 remains enabled
    for compatibility with prior proxy versions
  • The opaque ports annotation is now supported on services and enables users to
    use this annotation on mirrored services in multicluster installations
  • Reverted the renaming of the label
  • Ports 25,443,587,3306,5432,11211 have been removed from the default skip
    ports; all traffic through those ports is now proxied and handled opaquely by
  • Errors configuring the firewall in CNI are propagated so that they can be
    handled by the user
  • Removed Viz extension warnings from the check --proxy command when tap is
    not configured for pods; this is now handled by the viz tap command
  • Added support for CLI extensions as well as ensuring their check commands
    are invoked by Linkerd's check command
  • Moved the metrics, endpoints, and install-sp commands into subcommands
    under the diagnostics command.
  • Removed the linkerd- prefix from non-cluster scoped resources in the Viz and
    Jaeger extensions
  • Added the linkerd-await helper to all Linkerd containers so that the proxy can
    initialize before the components start making outbound connections
  • Removed the tcp_connection_duration_ms histogram from the metrics export to
    fix high cardinality issues that surfaced through high memory usage

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