github linkerd/linkerd2 edge-21.1.1

latest releases: edge-24.6.4, edge-24.6.3, edge-24.6.2...
3 years ago


This edge release introduces a new "opaque transport" feature that allows the
proxy to securely transport server-speaks-first and otherwise opaque TCP
traffic. Using the annotation on pods and
namespaces, users can configure ports that should skip the proxy's protocol

Additionally, a new linkerd-viz extension has been introduced that separates
the installation of the Grafana, Prometheus, web, and tap components. This
extension closely follows the Jaeger and multicluster extensions; users can
install and uninstall with the linkerd viz .. command as well as configure
for HA with the --ha flag.

The linkerd viz install command does not have any cli flags to customize the
install directly, but instead follows the Helm way of customization by using
flags such as set, set-string, values, set-files.

Finally, a new /shutdown admin endpoint that may only be accessed over the
loopback network has been added. This allows batch jobs to gracefully terminate
the proxy on completion. The linkerd-await utility can be used to automate

  • Added a new linkerd multicluster check command to validate that the
    linkerd-multicluster extension is working correctly
  • Fixed description in the linkerd edges command (thanks @jsoref!)
  • Moved the Grafana, Prometheus, web, and tap components into a new Viz chart,
    following the same extension model that multicluster and Jaeger follow
  • Introduced a new "opaque transport" feature that allows the proxy to securely
    transport server-speaks-first and otherwise opaque TCP traffic
  • Removed the check comparing the ca.crt field in the identity issuer secret
    and the trust anchors in the Linkerd config; these values being different is
    not a failure case for the linkerd check command (thanks @cypherfox!)
  • Removed the Prometheus check from the linkerd check command since it now
    depends on a component that is installed with the Viz extension
  • Fixed error messages thrown by the cert checks in linkerd check (thanks
  • Added PodDisruptionBudgets to the control plane components so that they cannot
    be all terminated at the same time during disruptions (thanks @tustvold!)
  • Fixed an issue that displayed the wrong when it is
    overridden by annotations (thanks @mateiidavid!)
  • Added support for custom registries in the linkerd-viz helm chart (thanks
  • Renamed proxy-mutator to jaeger-injector in the linkerd-jaeger extension
  • Added a new /shutdown admin endpoint that may only be accessed over the
    loopback network allowing batch jobs to gracefully terminate the proxy on
  • Introduced the linkerd identity command, used to fetch the TLS certificates
    for injected pods (thanks @jimil749)
  • Fixed an issue with the CNI plugin where it was incorrectly terminating and
    emitting error events (thanks @mhulscher!)
  • Re-added support for non-LoadBalancer service types in the
    linkerd-multicluster extension

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