github lin-ycv/EverythingPowerToys v0.78.0
v0.78.0 - WinGet

latest releases: v0.81.0.1, v0.81.0, v0.80.0...
4 months ago
File SHA256
EXE 3e28fa80237a35ff5b5f86acab6b34d4aff34f4af21d8bd59d202f10a0c3c41c
ZIP 5f0c92a861f9f16793b82fd7e5f492d5b3923ec2bf9750e639910efaeb6b7d57

Installation methods

  1. Self-Extraction Installer (EXE) [Recommended] :
    • The preferred method
    • Automatically closes PowerToys and extracts files to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins
    • Automatically launches PowerToys after install if PT is install at one of the two default locations
  2. Manual Installation (ZIP) :
    1. Exit Powertoys
    2. Extract the folder in the zip file to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerToys\PowerToys Run\Plugins
    3. Restart PowerToys
  3. WinGet : winget install lin-ycv.EverythingPowerToys
    • WinGet comes preinstalled with Windows 11 and Windows 10 version 1809+
    • All WinGet package requires manual review from Microsoft; therefore when a new release is published, there's a delay before it becomes available.
    • Winget dependencies will check for Powertoys (but not the latest version)
      • If there are breaking changes on the latest version of PT, you'll have to update it manually.
      • This is due to how WinGet packages get validated. Listing a dependency version that has not been published yet causes validation to fail, delaying the review process.

    Everything is NOT listed as a dependency, as you can choose to use either
    1.4 : winget install voidtools.Everything
    or 1.5a : winget install voidtools.Everything.Alpha

  4. Chocolatey : choco install everythingpowertoys
    • Chocolatey needs to be installed separately
    • Chocolatey packages also need a review process, but it's automated, and usually approved within 6 hours.
    • Chocolately dependencies will only check for Everything 1.4, as 1.5a is not available on chocolatey, and the PowerToys Chocolately package does not install when listed as a dependency (#55)

Plugin settings for Everything in PT Run will appear at the bottom instead of the usual position at the top.

For methods 1 and 2, both Everything and PowerToys needs to be installed seperately
*This plugin does not work with the lite version of Everything, lite does not support IPC
if you are on 1.5 alpha, you need to Disable alpha Instance, read #74 (comment)
if you're on ARM, read this: #45 (comment)

Full Changelog

  • Fixed filter issue introduced in v0.77.0 #77
    • Proper support for multiple filters, and they do not need to be at the start of the query
    • All the following queries all works: pic: size:<2mb demo, pic: demo size:<2mb pic: demo, demo pic:, pic:|video:
  • More versatile filter in settings.toml #79
    • Now allows for paths in addition to extensions, for example: Demo: = C:\Windows\|C:\ProgramData, Demo: filter would limit search to Windows and ProgramData folders
    • This feature is more geared towards 1.4 users, 1.5a user can use the native fiilters in Everything
  • Changed update logic to download and run the EXE package
    • Revert to opening release page if EXE does not execute properly
  • New EXE builder to reduce false AV positive
    • If PowerToys is installed at a custom location, manual launch of PT is required after install

the included Everything64.dll is the official dll from VoidTools

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