🚀 Features
Filter relationships by tag or kind of its endpoints
include // only relationships outgoing from elements with with tag #next cloud.* -> amazon.* where source.tag is #next, // only incoming relations of elements with kind microservice -> * where target.kind is microservice
Documentation (thanks @pavelpykhtin)
Refreshed UI and more customization options for React components
More options available - LikeC4ViewProps
Diagrams migrated to React 19, you may get dependency resolution issues
Bug Fixes
- diagram: added key prop for action bar content (thanks @pavelpykhtin, #1443) (3d9e7f8), closes #1424
- diagram: adjusted label and endpoint position of relationships on manual layout (thanks @pavelpykhtin, #1445) (629271e), closes #1322
- diagram: for '. is not a function' (thanks @pavelpykhtin, #1463) (e141586), closes #1425
- diagram: hide element toolbar when more then one element selected (thanks @pavelpykhtin, #1446) (56acca0), closes #1422
- diagram: incorrect merge of relation labels (thanks @davydkov, #1435) (a7b4120)
- diagram: overlay transparency in FF (thanks @pavelpykhtin, #1462) (f59308f), closes #1420
- diagram: incorrect merge of relation labels (thanks @davydkov, #1435) (a7b4120)
- diagram: Icon does not render in 'Browse relationships' view (thanks @davydkov, closes #1219)