QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 当菜单栏中的录制指示器因空间不足被隐藏时, 会自动转变为浮动窗口
- 修复了在非 Retina 显示器上 UI 抖动和 macOS 12 上显示错位的问题
- 修复了 "屏幕区域录制" 模式下, 无法隐藏自身窗口的问题
- 修复了一些界面文本中的错字漏字
QuickRecorder Changes:
- If the menubar item cannot be displayed, it will become a floating window
- Fixed UI jitter on non-Retina displays and UI misalignment on macOS 12
- Fixed "Exclude QuickRecorder itself" not working in "Screen Area" mode
- Fixed some typos and omissions in some UI string