github liblouis/liblouis v3.33.0
liblouis 3.33.0 has been released

12 hours ago

Noteworthy changes in this release

This release combines braille improvements with security enhancements. We have new tables for Coptic braille, Cuneiform transliteration and for Portuguese 6-dot computer braille. There are improvements to Dutch, Hungarian, the International Phonetic Alphabet, Norwegian and UEB. On the security side a lot of people have reported and fixed buffer overflows and other memory issues.

I'd like to thank everybody for helping to bring liblouis forward.

For a detailed list of all the changes refer to the list of closed issues.

New features

  • None

Bug fixes

  • A large number of buffer overflow problems have been solved:
    • Fix free error in parseQuery and analyzeTable thanks to Liu Yuwei
    • Fix an overflow in passDoAction and doPassSearch thanks to Liu Yuwei
    • Fixed a segfault in finalizeCharacter thanks to Christian Egli and cx104906.
    • Fix a heap-buffer-overflow error in compileRule and _lou_extParseChars thanks to tyler92.
    • Fix a heap buffer overflow in back_passDoAction thanks to Bert Frees and Liu Yuwei.
  • A doc string has been added to lou_translateString and lou_translate outlining the buffer overflow risk thanks to Christian Egli and shuangxiangkan.
  • Fix the default table search path on Windows thanks to Bert Frees and Bue Vester-Andersen

Braille table improvements

  • Fix the back-translation of capital sign in Dutch thanks to Bert Frees

  • Major improvements to Norwegian thanks to Lars Bjørndal

  • Improvements to the UEB table thanks to James Bowden. In particular the handling of words containing "somer", e.g. "Somerville" was fixed.

  • Hungarian improvements (added more exceptions) thanks to Attila Hammer.

  • Add a new 6-dot table for literary Coptic braille, thanks to Eric Harvey.

  • Added some missing symbols (including space) to the table for the International Phonetic Alphabet, thanks to James Bowden.

  • Add a table for Portuguese 6-dot computer braille, thanks to Tiago

    1. Casal and Iván Argote-Pérez. The table is based on the official

    documentation in Portuguese.

  • Add a new table for Cuneiform transliteration. It differs from the existing table cuneiform-transliterated.utb in that it does not adopt UEB dot patterns for the various diacritic marks. Instead it uses bespoke diacritics inspired by some IPA symbols. Thanks to Eric Harvey.

Other changes

  • None

Deprecation notice

  • None

Backwards incompatible changes

  • Make value in table metadata field mandatory: It makes the metadata system clearer and simpler. Empty values have not been used anyway.

Invisible changes

New, renamed or removed tables


  • cop.utb
  • cuneiform-transliterated-compact.utb
  • pt-comp6.utb


  • None


  • None

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