github lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim v0.2

latest releases: release, v0.9.0, v0.8.1...
3 years ago


  • Add relative date to current_line_blame
  • Show status message when navigating hunks
  • Live word diff to buffer and hunk preview
  • Follow files when they move in the index
  • Stage/reset all hunks in selected range.
  • Added configurable timeout for current_line_blame
  • Configurable blame virtual text position
  • Added config.on_attach()
  • Added get_actions()
  • Added diffthis()
  • Migrate to plenary async2 (thanks @oberblastmeister)
  • Rework how derived highlights are applied


@lewis6991 39 commits
@zapling 4 commits
@andersevenrud : 3 commits
@sindrets : 1 commit

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