github letscontrolit/ESPEasy mega-20221105

latest releases: mega-20240414, mega-20240401, mega-20240331...
20 months ago

Release mega-20221105

Changes in mega-20221105 (since mega-20220809):

Alex (1):
Update release.yml

Jason2866 (2):
Fix boot flash mode
opi flash needs to be flashed in mode dout

Max Prokhorov (1):
Fix github-script v5 breaking change

TD-er (168):
[Framed OLED] Load/save settings in smaller memory chunks
[Framed OLED] Reduce memory usage, especially during load/save
[OLED Framed] Prevent copy of strings when calling some write functions
[PlatformIO] Do not extend multiple PIO envs
[PlatformIO] Change src_filter into build_src_filter for PIO 6.0.0
[PlatformIO] Revert to PlatformIO 5.2.5
[Cleanup] Reduce build size ESPEasySerial inline functions to .cpp
Reduce blocking delays in Blynk command
[Framed OLED] Simplify code to send P036 events
[GPS] Make a bit more clear the GPS has a fix.
[LoRaWAN] Reduce build size + more sensible default settings.
[LoRaWAN] Make RX2 frequency configurable + allow write RN2483 commands
[LoRaWAN] describe how to reduce nr of OTAA joins
[ESP32 PN532] Fix reading PN532 on ESP32
[PN532] Make reading tags non-blocking
[PN532] Disable Debug code + remove last global variable
[PN532] Fix switching I2C clock frequency on ESP32
[I2C] Fix build for ESP8266 (no Wire.end() )
[Cleanup] Renamed other enums related to PLUGIN_TASKTIMER_IN
[ESP32 flash mode] Change flash mode board defs to use QIO for ESP32
[Build] Fix include path + add CircularBuffer to libs folder (#4201)
[ESP32] Include SPI memory_type in board defs
[Build scripts] Only show memory_type on ESP32 builds
[Rules] Fix matching events with first eventvalue being zero (#4198)
[Rules] Simplify & fix stripping leading zeroes
[ESP32 flash] Move back to DOUT and DOUT_QSPI
[SendToHttp] Do not set HTTP authentication when no user/pass set
[ESP32] Use patched 2.0.4 framework-arduinoespressif32 to fix SPI modes
[PMSx003] Fix buffer overflow when reading sensor data
[Build] Include ESPEasy_config.h everywhere
[Build] Add missing include of Wire.h in ESPEasy_common.h
[Build] Fix ESPEasySerial build with DISABLE_SOFTWARE_SERIAL defined
[Build] Explicit ignore SD libraries on "minimal" builds
[Cleanup] Reduce build size for minimal builds
[Cleanup] Disable MCP/PCF commands when P009 and P019 not included.
[Cleanup] Remove MCP/PCF related code when plugins not included
[Build] Reduce build size reducing ArduinoJSON instances
[Build] Fix compile time defines strings with spaces
[Build Version] Generate build version based on date
[Build] Fix build error due to missed function renames
[Build] Fix warning when P009 or P019 is not included in build
[Custom build] Remove #include <Arduino.h> from Custom_sample.h
[Sysinfo] Add functions to compute runtime ABP and flash frequency
[Sysinfo] Code cleanup & add Xtal frequency
[Sysinfo] Fix some code/logic duplication
[Sysinfo] Fix determining flash mode on ESP32-S2
[Build] Move include/ESPEasy_config.h to src/include (#4216)
[Sysinfo] Use FSPI define addressing the SPI bus to the flash
[SendToHttp] Fix HTTP 401 and 404 error
[Network Timeout] Apply workaround to set timeout in msec on ESP32
[Cleanup] Uncrustify _N001_Email.cpp
[HTTP] Change read timeout into HTTP code 200 when "Ignore Ack" is set
[SendToHttp] Set timeout to 1000 msec when set to ignore ack
[Controller] Make timeout dynamic, depending on actual results
[Controller] Don't make timeout dynamic if ignore acknowledgement is set
[Git] Add _*Custom.h to .gitignore
[String] Use .equals for flash strings instead of ==
[Build] Set ESP8266/Arduino to use actual 'staging' code
[ESP8266] Change resetmethod to "nodemcu" to fix reset during flash
[Build] Switch ESP32 board definitions to use DIO mode
[RN2483] Forward declaration of functions
[ESP32 MAX] Fix not defining LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE on MAX builds
[Build_CDN] Generate CDN prefix URL based on Git tag
[Build_CDN] Generate CDN prefix URL based on Git tag
[Build CDN] CDN URL prefix matches checkout tag or latest tag
[Build CDN] Serve ESPEasy auto css by default
[Build] Remove all debug logs when BUILD_NO_DEBUG is set
[Debug Log] Fix reduces log level combo box with BUILD_NO_DEBUG set
[ESP ETH] Reset GPIO states before calling ETH.begin()
[Build] Reduce bin size & merge NodeStruct from ESPEasy-NOW PR
[Build] Add missing dependency check C013 needs FEATURE_ESPEASY_P2P
[Cleanup] Minor tweaks to include less code during compile
[Cleanup] Uncrustify WebServer/RootPage.cpp
[Cleanup] Remove code duplication + concat function to reduce bin size
[CSE7766] Fix wrong debug check wrapper P077 (#4248)
[MH-Z19] Fix executing command for MH-Z19
[PZEM004T] Fix nullptr dereference (#4251)
[Build] Reduce build size by doing less flash string conversions
[Build] Fix missing controllers to ESP32 "Collection" builds
[Build] Do not (yet) define USES_ESPEASY_NOW for MAX builds
[Build] Add FEATURE_RULES_EASY_COLOR_CODE build option
[ESPEasy p2p] Fix crashes (#4261)
[GPIO] Fix bug in GPIO command parsing (#4271)
[Build] Reduce build size for energy and display builds CDN JS/CSS
[CodeMirror] Fix loading code mirror CSS from filesystem
[CDN] Serve static files with cache-control from file system
[build] Disable normal_alt_wifi_ESP8266_1M due to bin size
[CDN] Cleanup the CDN code
[CDN] Browser cache embedded Favicon and CSS
[Build] Fix build on ESP32
[CDN] Only load codeMirror files on Rules/Custom page + add Expires
[CDN] Add Last-Modified header when serving built-in static files
[CodeMirror] Link JS in the HEAD & don't use defer on those.
[WiFi] Prevent setting same WiFi mode multiple times
[SysVars] Fix sunrise/sunset offset (%sunrise-1h%)
[Build] Reduce build size to make minimal OTA_FHEM_HA fit again
[String parse] Cleanup formatting transformation function
[Cleanup] Use roundf or lround where appropriate
[Build] Reduce build size by removing unneeded pow function calls
[WiFi] Change Espressif SDK to SDK221
[WiFi] Prevent reconnect loop
[WiFi] Check scan results for known candidates
[WiFi] Make WiFi reconnect more predictable
[WiFi] Fix WiFi connect timeout handling
[ADC] Internal ADC plugin reading Vcc on _VCC builds
[WiFi] Limit WiFi logs on size challenged builds
[Cleanup] Reduce bin size when using timing stats
[Commands] Fix accepting invalid commands
[Factory Default] Fix default settings for SSID2
[Factory Default] Fix default settings for SSID2
[WiFi] Reduce time needed to connect to WiFi
[WiFi Setup] Fix serving CSS on initial WiFi setup
[Time] Fix check whether real time is set
[p2p NTP] Update time via p2p node when NTP not set or unreachable
[p2p NTP] Fix build includes
[p2p NTP] Fix applying NTP received from peers
[p2p NTP] Prevent receiving random data from old ESPEasy nodes
[p2p NTP] Fix log entry showing correct time source
[Webserver] Fix strange crashes when serving flash strings
[GPIO] Add option for longpulse repeat
[LongPulse] Stop scheduled pulse when setting GPIO + add waveform call
[Longpulse] Cleanup and document
[Longpulse] Fix missing includes
[Dallas] Add option to auto select first sensor found
[Dallas] Document the new Auto Select Sensor feature
[Build] Make ESP8266 Collection D VCC fit again
[Build] Make using ESP8266 Waveform a build feature
[Build] Disable ext. RTC on limited build size builds
[Build] Reduce bin size by excluding libs from 1M builds
[PVS Studio] Fix some uninitialized members found by PVS Studio
Fix build error
[Cleanup] Change time wander unit to ppm
[Dallas] Add DS28EA00 chip (#4292)
[WiFi] Retry to connect to WiFi when set AP is not reachable
[Cleanup] Reduce bin size by assigning smaller types to enums
[Cleanup] Reduce bin size by assigning smaller types to enums
[Sonoff POW] Do not use volatile ints to check for divide by zero
[GPS] Fix set system time via GPS
[GPS] Use custom GPS view of plugin stats data
[PMSx003] Support I2C UART bridge on ESP32
[Ext RTC] Fix updating ext. RTC from other sources like p2p nodes
[Time] Clean up code + show UTC time stored in RTC
[sunset/sunrise] Fix parsing multiple instances of %sunrise...%
[Cleanup] Uncrustify ESPEasy_time
[time] Limit settime update frequency from p2p nodes
[NTP] Fix prefer NTP over p2p time sync
[NTP] Make "p2p time sync" only preferred after at least 2 hours.
[Ext RTC] Round time set to ext. RTC to reduce error to +/- 500 msec
[time] Reduce time update frequency from the same time source
[p2p time] Show ESPEasy unit nr used as time source
[p2p time] Do not use own node as p2p source.
[Build] Update pygit2 lib to fix GitHub Actions builds
[Build] Fix missing include
[SI70xx] Set default I2C address when upgrading using old settings
[HLW8012] Improve stability and resolution Voltage/Current measurement
[HLW8012] Don't use double when float will suffice
[Setup] Fix CSS on setup page + WiFi/Eth event handling
[Settings] Reintroduce MD5 checksum to prevent saving unchanged settings
[PlatformIO] Add missing ESP32 ETH envs (energy/display/climate/neopixel)
[WiFi/Eth] Split handling of WiFi and Ethernet events
[Eth] Split WiFi and Eth event data + fix static Ethernet IP
[WiFi] Increase time between WiFi reconnects
[Ethernet] Restore DNS records for Eth when WiFi turned off
[Ethernet] Fix restore Eth DNS static IP config
[Ethernet] Split handling WiFi/Eth event processing
Reserve ESPEasy-NOW member in SettingsStruct
[Build] Fix missing include + some define checks
automatically updated release notes for mega-20221105

Ton Huisman (332):
[P118] Make CS pin configurable, resolve some compiler warnings
[P118] Restructure using Plugin_data_struct, allow 3 simultaneous instances, code reformatted
[P118] Add and reference it
[P118] Use more descriptive names for a few variables/constants
[P118] Fix missing #define
[Build] Fix compiler warnings
[P118] Refactor interrupt handling
[P118] Attempt to avoid startup crash
[P118] Attempt to avoid startup crash
[P118] Add entry to Custom-sample.h
[P118] Reformat CC1101 library using Uncrustify
[P095] Add support for extra TFT displays (ILI934x/ILI948x)
[P095] Reformat sources using Uncrustify
[P095] String allocation improvements
[P118] Log optimization
[P095] Restore accidently lost addLogMove
[P095] Fix merge issue
[P095] Make enum values explicit
[P129] Add 74HC165 input shiftregisters plugin
[P129] Rename command to ShiftIn, and promote rest of command to second argument
[P129] Rename plugin, some minor corrections
[P129] Add documentation
[P129] Always show formatted output, even when plugin is not active. Rename some arguments
[P064] Unblock while reading gestures when object is very close
[P064] Format source using uncrustify
[P092] DL-Bus: Add support for UVR42
[P092] Add second digital value for UVR42
[P092] Add documentation for UVR42, some minor corrections
[P092] Documentation typo
[P131] Add plugin Display - NeoPixel Matrix
[Build] Add ESP32 4M2M NO_OTA configuration
[P131] Fix IR build issue, initialization of class variables
[P095] Rename local copy of Adafruit ILI9341 library, initializations
[P131] Correct invalid initialization in struct
[P131] Add documentation
[P095] Updated documentation
[P045] Add option for detect movement on all/any axis
[P045] Minor improvements
[P045] Add plugin documentation, remove invalid documentation file
[P045] Move descriptions from Device configuration to documentation
[AdaGFX] Add optional Roboto fonts
[AdaGFX] Fix typos in #ifdef
[AdaGFX] Small documentation updates
[P095] Make Splash at start configurable, docs updated
[P095] Fix for displaying text on previous location was not overwriting old content Add Text print mode for centered text Extend txtfull subcommand to enable centered text
[P095] Update documentation
[Build] Update custom ESP32 NO_OTA_LittleFS build configuration
[AdaGFX] Add support for btn subcommand to draw button-like objects
[AdaGFX] Improve btn subcommand, slim down bin size, other minor improvements
[AdaGFX] Add support for confined windows to print/draw in [AdaGFX] Add support for getting config values
[AdaGFX] Process like template for length and textheight values
[AdaGFX] Add/update documentation for window commands and config values
[AdaGFX] Code improvements, initialization, const, move window offset into printText()
[AdaGFX] Code improvements as suggested by feedback
[AdaGFX] Correct font include paths, add #ifndef filename checks to fonts
[AdaGFX] Regression: Background-fill for text should fill entire line height
[AdaGFX] Re-add some previously missed changes
[P131] Code optimizations, make splash configurable
[P095] Implement getconfig feature, code optimization, update documenation
[Settings] Add PCONFIG_ULONG(n), union with PCONFIG_LONG(n)
[P131] Fix loading content, implement PCONFIG_ULONG(n)
[Build] Restore TEST_E builds for ESP and ESP32s2
[Fix] Complete implementation for changed addFormSelector() definition
[P129] Optimizations and small fixes
[Settings] Add PCONFIG_ULONG(n), union with PCONFIG_LONG(n)
[P129] Implement use of PCONFIG_ULONG()
[Settings] Replace long by int32_t for PCONFIG_LONG(n)
[P129] Remove undesirable const declarations
[Settings] Replace long by int32_t for PCONFIG_LONG(n)
[P131] Corrections for nullptr, resize and 0 checks
[P131] Restore delete of matrix object to properly free memory
[P131] Implement splash without delay()
[P095] Implement splash without delay()
[P095] Implement splash without delay()
[P095] Use ESPEasy-specific ILI9341 extended library
[P118] Code optimizations
[P131] Add to NeoPixel builds, make it fit in ESP8266 4M NeoPixel build
[P064] Code optimizations, remove unused I2C Address selector, adjust documentation
[P109] Improve binary size and memory use
[P109] More optimizations, use #defines where appropriate
[OLedHelper] Add helper with some OLed functions
[P109] Make plugin multi-instance capable, implement OLed_helper functions
[P036] Implement OLed_helper to reduce code size
[P023] Implement OLed_helper to reduce code size, reformat source (Uncrustify)
[P023] Optimizations, source formatting (Uncrustify)
[P109] Move deconstruction code to class deconstructor
[P023] Improved comments to clarify unclear code
[OLedHelper] Add changeable values argument to OLedFormController function
[P023] Avoid awkward code construct by using changed OLedFormController
[P036] Apply changed OLedFormController function
[P109] Apply changed OLedFormController function
[P118] Minor code optimizations
[P110] Replace delay() call, format source, code improvements
[P110] Disable development logging
[P111] Format source (uncrustify)
[P111] Replace delay() calls, format source, code improvements
[P111] Move reset handling mostly away from 50/sec handler for timing reasons
[P127] Replace delay() calls, code improvements
[Build] Enable SD-card support for Display and NeoPixel sets
[NeoPixel] Add generic power calculation to documentation
[AdaGFX] Add getTextSize and get/setValidation methods
[P131] Add horizontal scroll feature, fix clear on exit bug
[P131] Code optimization
[P131] Scrolling fixes
[P131] Documentation updates
[ILI9341 lib] Extend supported ILI9481 sub-types (CMI7 and CMI8, borrowed from TFT_eSPI)
[P095] Extend supported ILI9481 display models
[P095] Update documentation
[P129] Fix build error, apply code suggestions
[P128] Fix compiler warning
[SDcard] Remove unused variable in handle_SDfilelist()
[P128] Fix compiler warning
[SDcard] Remove unused variable in handle_SDfilelist()
[Build] Leave SD-card support out for any NEOPIXEL ESP8266 build to make it fit again
[P095] Disable unavailable displays (ILI9486/ILI9488)
[P131] Remove plugin from DISPLAY builds, enable SD-card support for NEOPIXEL ESP32 builds
[P131] Enable SD-card support for NEOPIXEL ESP32s2 build
[P131] Add commands for scroll options, update documentation, remove Testing tag, improvements
[P129] Remove testing tag, update ENABLE_TOOLTIPS to FEATURE_TOOLTIPS
[P134] Add Distance - A02YYUW sensor
[P134] Use serialHelper functions where possible
[P134] Add documentation
[P008] Reduce iRam usage in ISR
[P008] Enable Multi-instance use, rename variables, use named setting defines
[P008] Update documentation
[P134] Code correction
[P135] Add SCD4x CO2, Humidity and Temperature sensor
[Build] Add flag to exclude (unused) debug logging from SparkFun SCD4x library
[P135] Add documentation
[P134] Add plugin to Custom-sample.h
[Docs] Move Serial Helper configuration to separate page and add links where appropriate
[P135] Rename feature flag, enable selftest and factoryreset for all builds
[P135] Minor documentation updates
[I2C] Set default GPIO pins for ESP32 SDA=21, SCL=22
[P135] Add check for too many mis-readings to stop the plugin
[P135] Minor documentation updates
[P135] Add FRC feature, get serial number, update docs, code optimization and improvements
[P064] Improved handling of errors, remove [TESTING] tag
[I2C] Set default GPIO pins for ESP32 SDA=-1 SCL=-1
[I2C] Set default GPIO pins for ESP32 SDA=-1 SCL=-1
[P129] Fix a bug, improve code and documentation
[P129] Fix documentation
[IR] [Build] Enable IR device selection
[LIB] IRremoteESP8266 updated to v2.8.2
[IR] Correct some defines for SEND-ONLY protocols
[Build] Fix extra_scripts environment chaining
[LIB] IRremoteESP8266 proposed solution for limiting combobox list
[P016] Limit list of supported protocols to what is actually included in build (proposal), update CustomIR-sample.h
[P016] Make buffersize configurable, we usually don't need max buffer size
[P035] Fix list of supported protocols, comment unreachable code
[P016] Increase default buffersize to 150 to avoid log message for nearly every received code
[P016] Add feature flag P016_FEATURE_COMMAND_HANDLING to optionally disable command processing
[SysVars] Add conversion for minutes to hh:mm notation (%c_m2hcm%)
[P016] Change display/entry of buffer size to bytes instead of unnamed 'units' (2 bytes)
[P016] Update documentation
[Rules] Process conversions during rules-matching
[SysVars] Add string functions timeToMin/timeToSec with docs
[SysVars] Reduce build size for LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE by disabling timeToMin/timeToSec
[JSON] Add variables to /json output
[Build] Upgrade SparkFun MAX1704x to latest
[P095] Optimize code and reduce string use to make build fit
[I2C] Improve visibility of I2C Configuration errors, few minor code enhancements
[I2C] invert bool argument name and value for readability
[P118] Itho library limit formerly endless loops to max. 3 seconds
[P118] Fix bugs found during testing, rename variables, clean up source
[P118] Update documentation
[P118] Fix bugs found during testing, rename variables, clean up source
[P118] Fix ESP32 support, shorten lib time-out, improve Devices overview display
[Devices] Fine-tune display of custom GPIO configuration
[P116] Add Devices list GPIO overview
[P118] [Build] Restore Itho communication in ESP32 builds
[Build] Remove NeoPixel plugins from DISPLAY builds
[Build] Remove NeoPixel plugins from DISPLAY builds
[Build] Update documentation
[Build] Explicitly remove NeoPixel plugins from DISPLAY builds (still in Normal and Collection)
[IRremoteESP8266] Fix a few wrong-mapped defines
[P037] Introduce plugin-specific P037_LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE feature flag
[Build] Have Energy build apply some plugin-specific size-reduction feature flags (P036, P037)
[Boot] Show binary filename in startup log messages
[Plugin] Remove obsolete [DEVELOPMENT] tags
[IRremoteESP8266] Add comments requested by lib maintainers
[P111] Fix small typo
[Itho Lib] Merge Orcon functions from #4099
[P118] Merge Orcon functions from #4099
[P118] Update documentation with Orcon commands
[P118] Move plugin to Collection E to make the build fit in again
[P059] Add documentation, migrated from the Wiki
[Itho Lib] Code improvements as suggested (mostly)
[P141] Add plugin Display - PCD8544 Nokia 5110 ('migrated' from PluginPlayground)
[P141] Include in Display builds, add library
[AdaGFX] Add txl subcommand to send multiple lines of text to display
[AdaGFX] Add documentation for txl subcommand
[P021] Add Auto-save interval option
[P021] Add Auto-save interval option
[P021] Update documentation
[P021] Improved checks to really avoid auto-saving if not needed
[P021] Fix compilation issue
[P021] Fix typo
[P021] Don't restart Auto-save timer after saving settings
[P021] Extra check to avoid decrementing the timer when not started
[AdaGFX] Some small improvements and corrections
[P141] Add Invert display option and matching 'inv' subcommand, several improvements and fixes
[JSON] Add ESP_CHIP_MODEL and REVISION (ESP32 only) to /json output
[P135] Remove [TESTING] tag, minor code improvements
[Lib] Remove unused variable from SparkFun AS7265X library (avoid compiler warning)
[P111] Small code improvements for size reduction
[P021] Fix possible issue for GetLevel config value
[Docs] Split long lines in AdaGFX commands documentation
[Docs] Update the Commands reference
[AdaGFX] Implement invertDisplay() used by monochrome displays
[P141] Improve Inverted display support, code improvements
[P141] Add documentation
[P141] Include in Custom-sample.h
[Hardware] Fix compiler warning about FM_UNKNOWN
[P135] Fix flash-string ==
[Bugfix] DevicesPage: ExtraTaskSettings are not always saved
[P135] Add missing code-comment
[P135] Change plugin name to include 'CO2', in line with other CO2 plugins, update and corrections for documentation
[SysVars] Suggested improvement and timetosec/timetomin code size reduction
[P109] Optimize code, some deduplication/refactoring
[UI] Make auto-dark mode optional
[UI] Make auto-dark mode optional
[UI] Improved code-semantics
[UI] Enable Web dark-mode documentation
[UI] Restore static attribute for css data arrays
[Tools] Use static attribute on generated char arrays, force LF line ends for script
[UI] Device page shows Controller names
[CSS] Remove no longer needed esp_auto.css
[CSS] Re-add esp_auto[.min].css, combining espeasy_default.css and esp_auto_dark.css
[UI] Restored Send to Controller display, with fixed number display, and Controller name included
[UI] Make theme selectable: Auto, Light, Dark
[UI] Rearrange Controller name, checkbox and optional IDX on Devices page
[UI] Update documentation
[UI] Change multi2row to multirow tworow (@chromoxdor), improved tworow
[UI] Apply classes multirow odd where previously only multirow was needed
[UI] Replace 'odd' by 'even' class, restoring pre-dark mode multirow style
[UI] /setup now uses auto-dark mode, Dashboard gets the auto/dark mode from settings
[UI] Improve template processing, fix partition table in dark mode
[UI] Fix dark mode display for Chart JS graphs
[P037] Enable all features for NORMAL builds not using LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE (2M/4M/16M)
[P037] Disable extra features for ENERGY build for size reasons
[P037] Update documentation, and some minor corrections
[Code] Apply PVS-Studio bugfixes and suggestions, 2022-09
[Code] Use correct Vnnn error codes
[UI] Correct WiFi bars color (now blue) in /setup
[UI] Add transparency to WiFi bars not-active color
[P134] Remove TESTING tag, code improvements
[AdaGFX] Fix printing partial characters near the right edge of the screen (no linewrap, Window 0 only)
[P141] Add configurable line-spacing, fix some bugs, code improvements
[P141] Update documentation
[Libs] Partially upgrade HeatpumpIR lib to fix PVS reported issue and save space
[Build] Allow HeatpumpIR in ESP32 Custom_IR builds
[P131] Fix lines display to start on next tile
[P141] Reduce build size
[Build] Minimal OTA Domoticz without HTTP (#4246)
[Build] Add Minimal OTA Domoticz MQTT builds to restore the HTTP features in previous environments
[Build] Fix typo in conditional include
[AdaGFX] Add line-spacing setting, default is backward compatible
[P141] Remove unneeded color selection options
[P141] Update documentation
[Build] Rename feature flag to disable HTTP client
[P109] Disable in ESP8266 build, some size optimizations
[P141] Disable SD card support in ESP8266 Display build for size
[P118] Fix LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG compilation
[P141] Adjust default plugin settings, update documentation
[AdaGFX] Fix issue with top pixel when using Col/Row mode
[AdaGFX] Remove unneeded logging
[P141] Less preprocessing of commands
[P045] Minor code size reduction
[P021] Minor code reduction
[P110] Rename LOG flags, fix logic for disabling debug log
[P118] Hide Debug log option from UI when not available, small improvements
[P127] Use correct build flag
[P141] Correct line offset, skip empty lines on taskrun
[P141] Documentation updates
[P109] Add commands for emulating left, right and mode buttons
[P141] Enable contrast setting from 1..100% and add 'contrast' subcommand
[P141] Update and extend documentation
[P109] Rename commands Left and Right to LeftBtn and RightBtn, some code moved
[Build] Add CLIMATE configuration and move P118 there with all climate sensors
[Docs] Update documentation for CLIMATE builds, fix some errors in documentation
[Build] Fix compiler warnings for signed/unsigned int compare
[AdaGFX] Allow backlight percentage setting from 0% (instead of 1%)
[P141] Allow backlight and contrast settings from 0% instead of 1%, updated documentation
[P141] Also store 'inv' setting when changed via command (not saved)
[P092] Code optimizations, reduce logging for LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE
[P075] Increase nr. of lines for commands to send to Nextion
[P109] Code improvements
[P109] Fix merge conflict
[P109] Rename button commands, add title options
[AdaGFX] Don't trim off spaces from command arguments
[AdaGFX] Small log improvement
[Build] Restore Notifiers and other features in normal_ESP8266_4M1M_VCC
[Build] Fix preprocessor issue
[Build] Add preprocessor flag NO_LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE
[P141] Add GET_CONFIG_VALUE support, update documentation
[OLedHelper] Add OLedI2CAddressCheck() for some de-duplication of OLed plugins
[P023] Implement OLedI2CAddressCheck()
[P036] Implement OLedI2CAddressCheck()
[P109] Change behavior for minimizing saving to thermo.dat, delay relay activation after setpoint change
[P109] Correct a few bugs, save pending settings, adjust timeout display
[P109] Correctly un-initialize relay state after enabling/switching task
[Bugfix] Taskenable, wasn't working anymore
[P109] Add temporary heater delay timing logging
[Bugfix] P141 PCD8544 Library issue resolutions
[P109] Solve setpoint update without short interval
[Formatting] Formatting values doesn't work as intended
[Checks] Correctly check for obsolete USES_NOTIFIER define
[Checks] Adjusted comment
[MAX] Increase plugin list to 140
[OTA] Initialize Arduino OTA only when enabled
[Log] Minor logging improvements
[MAX] Enable I2C Device scan
[I2C] Some missing I2C devices added
[P039] Allow GPIO-0 (D3) to be used for CS (Bugfix)
[Boards] Set additional IDF flag for ESP32s2 (and yet unsupported ESP32c3) boards
[SPI] 3rd SPI GPIO pin should be output only
[Boards] Fix IDF version and order of ESP32/s2/c3 checks to get correct GPIO definitions
[Boards] Move IDF version to platform_core-defs.ini
[Build] Conditional compilation improvement for CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32
[SPI] Corrected pin selection for User-defined SPI (input/output)
[ESP32] Use patched 2.0.5 framework-arduinoespressif32
[P095] Add Invert display option for foreground / background color swap
[Docs] Add rules example for a b-tree search on a list of Tags
[P095] Log selected display type during init
[Docs] Emphasize the use of %eventvalue% variables in event-handling rules
[P037] Bugfix: Enable event generation when adding task
[Build] Add PSRAM environments for 16M8M
[Build] Switch to platform-espressif32

Zafrir Ron (1):
Fix CPLIGIN-WRITE to allow controller commands

chromoxdor (56):
initial codemirror support
back to local testing
minor change
Update espeasy.js
added minified files
fixed typo & removed an unintentional easteregg
each plugin one line
Forgot to rename variable in anyword
typo: commonPlugins
added missing plugin commands + code cleanup
added all display specific commands
added , for hinting
removing duplicates in hints
nobody except me needs the log
bit more "root" keywords for faster typing
maybe better hint listing
Update anyword-hint.min.js
sevenseg fix
changed css +round buttons
css update+ round helper buttons
removed unnecessary css
changed highlightcolor + wider column
fixed to wide input fields
no rounded corners and green is back
Update Markup.cpp
accommodate to windows users
put back some stuff
ubbs..i edited the wrong line
modernized the css
render table-border on ios devices
table-border ios fix the 2nd
added files
minor changes+ adding automode css files
resolves minor issue in /setup
update CM files
remove unnecessary types
Update HTML_wrappers.cpp
added xwide to css, reverted p016 column change
Update HTML_wrappers.cpp
Added the tworow class to P016
no need for two colons
Add the "ESPeasy Code Editor" to the docs
Update _P016_IR.ino
update codemirror files
Update codemirror.min.js
better minification
Css variables update + add P023
firefox was left out for "normal" rules, removed unnecessary folder
reposition of codemirror js files + minor css additions
css fix for textviewer
it should be height not width :)
removing height for textarea completely
re adding max-height
[P109][Colorcode] added plugin specific commands

fmuntean (9):
[P014] added support for SI7013 ADC
[P014] added Datasheet link
[FIX] updated based on the feedback
[FIX] reduced the last_measurement_time from 2 places to one; commented all the break; lines
[FIX] multiple fixes and updates: Init had to be split as delay is required after reset
[P014] Added documentation
[Fix] Spelling
[P014_SI70xx] guardrail all the logging
[P014] Fixing support for HTU21D with chip_id=50

stefan (2):
[ArduinoIDE] Make it compile again
[ArduinoIDE] make it build agian - Fix typo

uwekaditz (37):
[P036] improvments (line alignment separatly)
Changes requested by @tonhuisman
Uncrustify code
FIX: wrong alignment (only centered) for long, non-scrolling lines
FIX: wrong pixel calculation for alignment for non-scrolling lines on 64x48 display
[P036] NEW: individual font settings for each line
code reduced by 530 bytes to fit the build size for 'esp8266, normal_ESP8266_1M'
ADD: Setting and support for user defined contrast: oledframedcmd,display,user,contrast,precharge,comdetect
Copy&paste error
CHG: Setting for user defined contrast simplified
NEW: use the split token <|> to split lines into left and right part
FIX: last frame was not shown
[NEW] css style xwide
Documentation updated
FIX: empty page was shown if just one frame has text
FIX: empty page was shown if just one frame has text
CHG: font Dialog_plain_18 is optional (not using LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE)
CHG: font Dialog_plain_18 is optional (not used with LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE)
CHG: Logging in [P092] reduced for LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE
CHG: font Dialog_plain_12 is optional (not used with LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE)
[P037] Using xWide and html_TD(const String& style)
P36_MaxFontCount reduced for LIMIT_BUILD_SIZE
FIX: left alignment again with leading spaces
NEW: right alignment with trailing spaces
Update P036.rst
Update P037_data_struct.cpp
Reset P037_data_struct.cpp to mega
[P037] Using xWide and html_TD(const String& style)
Changes proposed and requested by tonhuisman
History updated
Added new sub-table from PR #4239
Obsolete code with #ifdef INPUT_PULLDOWN removed
BugFix for addSelector()
Conflict resolved
Conflicts resolved
CHG: Display timeout is now a uint16_t value (max 65535s for display off)

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