v2.0.4 - 19 Jul 2022
[Bug Fixes]
* [jwk] github.com/lestrrat-go/httprc, which jwk.Cache depends on,
had a problem with inserting URLs to be re-fetched into its queue.
As a result it could have been the case that some JWKS were not
updated properly. Please upgrade if you use jwk.Cache.
* [jwk] cert.Get could fail with an out of bounds index look up
* [jwk] Fix doc buglet in `KeyType()` method
[New Features]
* [jws] Add `jws.WithMultipleKeysPerKeyID()` sub-option to allow non-unique
key IDs in a given JWK set. By default we assume that a key ID is unique
within a key set, but enabling this option allows you to handle JWK sets
that contain multiple keys that contain the same key ID.
* [jwt] Before v2.0.1, sub-second accuracy for time based fields
(i.e. `iat`, `exp`, `nbf`) were not respected. Because of this the code
to evaluate this code had always truncated any-subsecond portion
of these fields, and therefore no sub-second comparisons worked.
A new option for validation `jwt.WithTruncation()` has been added
to workaround this. This option controls the value used to truncate
the time fields. When set to 0, sub-second comparison would be
FIY, truncatation will still happen because we do not want to
use the monotonic clocks when making comparisons. It's just that
truncating using `0` as its argument effectively only strips out
the monotonic clock