github lepoco/wpfui 2.0.0

latest releases: 3.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.0.3...
2 years ago

Release 2.0.0

We jumped one revision up because this release breaks absolutely everything.

Is this release good? Not necessarily, it needs to be polished, but the number of changes is already so big that I think we should have it for now. Version 2.0.1 should be published soon.

What's new?

  • Namespace changed from WPFUI to Wpf.Ui. I didn't like any other one
  • .NET Framework 4.6 has been changed to 4.6.1
  • MVVM support for navigation
  • Several ready-made services for MVVM in Wpf.Ui.Mvvm.Services namespace have been added
  • Navigation rewritten
  • SearchBox has been replaced with AutoSuggestBox
  • The styles of all text fields have been rewritten
  • The buttons have been rewritten
  • Fluent System Icons updated
  • Everything related to Interop, Win32 and native functions has been rewritten
  • UiWindow and UiPage controls have been added
  • TitleBar has been significantly refactored
  • SnapLayout has been rewritten and... is not working.
  • The way themes work has been reworked
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.FontMapper, for easier work with Fluent System Icons
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.SimpleDemo, because now the main demo uses MVVM and may be too difficult for beginners
  • A new project has been added - Wpf.Ui.Extension, a project for a plugin for Visual Studio 2022
  • And many more...

What's Changed

  • EditableTextBox respects Foreground by @trungnt2910 in #170
  • Let the keyboard navigation work correctly in the Navigatioin controls. by @walterlv in #181
  • Don't let the ItemsControls in Navigation Fluents focusable. by @walterlv in #180
  • Don't let the button icons focusable. by @walterlv in #179
  • Add a layer for debugging focus and keyboard navigation. by @walterlv in #183
  • The SPACE and the ENTER key can active the focused navigation item. by @walterlv in #184
  • Fix OS version checks on .NET Framework by @yoshiask in #193
  • Fix horizontal scrollbar crash by @Marplex in #194
  • Merge development by @pomianowski in #222

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.6...2.0.0

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