github leiweibau/Pi.Alert v2024-05-20
Pi.Alert v2024-05-20

latest releases: v2024-09-01, v2024-08-24, v2024-08-09...
3 months ago


  • Logviewer by @Striffly
  • Add missing "curl" package to insall script (#305)
  • "Undefined variable" by @Striffly
  • Minor CSS fixes


  • Help/FAQ Section (#301)


  • Button "Internet / Speedtest / Update Check" renamed to "Internet Check / Scheduled tasks"


  • This update only addresses small things that could have waited. But today is not just any day, but the 2nd anniversary of this little project. I would like to use this update note as an opportunity to thank you for the many constructive messages, suggestions for improvement and bug reports that have brought the project to where it is now. My special thanks go first and foremost to the sponsors for supporting my work. Almost as important for my motivation are the more than 300 stars that my project has already received. Nevertheless, I am also happy about every feedback that helps to make the project better, even if I can't or don't want to implement every idea. In the end, all I want to say is: THANK YOU

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