Required Dependencies:
- Structurize: 1.20.1-1.0.759-snapshot (or above)
- MultiPiston: 1.20-1.2.30-ALPHA (or above)
- BlockUI: 1.20.1-1.0.139-BETA (or above)
- Domum Ornamentum: 1.20.1-1.0.184-BETA (or above)
Optional Dependencies
- JEI: (or above)
- Journeymap: 5.9.8 (or above)
- Dynamic Trees: 1.3.0-BETA7 (or above)
- Fix registry loading exception (#10703) (commit)
- Default permissions (#10678) (commit)
- Guard armor/dimension change fixes (#10658) (commit)
- Updated translation message and ran data gen (#10680) (commit)
- Additional raid delay after deaths (#10698) (commit)
- Rename all references to field systems to "building extensions" in preparation for pastures/forestry areas/graveyard extensions (#10687) (commit)
- Add new visitor, new banner pattern adjust pattern list, adjust patrol (#10694) (commit)
- fix panel pathing & eating issue (#10696) (commit)
- Improve armor distribution, make use of attribute modifiers. Armors are distributed along the relative value of the armor compared to a similar slot of leather/chainmail/iron/diamond (#10667) (commit)
- Fix client side item comparison issues due to CHECKED_NBT_KEYS not being synced (#10688) (commit)
- Fix students requesting too many study items (#10663) (commit)
- Fix missing translation key for mint tea (#10664) (commit)
- Revert "Attempt fix build (#10657)" (#10659) (commit)
- Attempt fix build (#10657) (commit)
- port (#10655) Fix music audio files trying to play positional (commit)
- Fix deco controller rotation & display (#10656) (commit)
- hotfix cure pre-request (commit)
- move soundsource, prob fixes 10644 (#10645) (commit)
- Moobien (#10643) (commit)
- Urban Birch rescan, Shire and Warped Netherlands fixes in 1.20.1 (#10648) (commit)
- fix mod/datapack compat #10634 (commit)
- saver casting (#10630) (commit)
- only go to tavern if built (#10629) (commit)
- Tag update (#10622) (commit)
- Fix citizens using inventory search to find out whether there is an empty slot, despite tracking empty slot count (#10620) (commit)
- Update (#10626) (commit)
- don't reuse message if altering (#10621) (commit)
- Remove old and unused pams integration code (#10614) (commit)
- Some fixes (#10617) (commit)
- Add feature to alert guards of nearby raiders hitting on a gate (#10619) (commit)
- Worldgen & crop fixes (#10609) (commit)
- Cavern additions, Jungle Treehouse and vine plantation fixes in 1.20.1 (#10575) (commit)
- Fix raider camp terrain adaption (#10605) (commit)
- Fix unstuck npe (#10597) (commit)
- Fix utility predicates not being instantiated on start (#10593) (commit)
- Prevent removed mods' food from becoming air on read and crashes (#10579) (commit)
- Reworked stuck handling, nonsafe destinations are now eligible for partials stuck handling. (#10588) (commit)
- Update max placement height for scarecrows (#10571) (commit)
- Correct implementation for the event handler (#10565) (commit)
- quarry hotfix 10562 (commit)
- several small fixes (#10558) (commit)
- Add remaining raider camps (#10555) (commit)
- Reworked AI to pathfinding link: (#10543) (commit)
- Feature/world ships (#10541) (commit)
- Update all forge event code, attempt to become loader unaware (#10468) (commit)
- Only cache JEI citizens temporarily (#10489) (commit)
- Only upload resources for 1.21 (#10535) (commit)
- Several adjustments (#10539) (commit)
- fix christmas! (#10538) (commit)
- hotfix derp (commit)
- Feature/camp based mobs (#10533) (commit)
- Fix citizens not always using toggleables the pathfollow node already advanced (#10532) (commit)
- Write collection size, otherwise results in deserialization failure (#10530) (commit)
- Fix bad loot table path (#10529) (commit)
- Dontcrash (#10525) (commit)
- fix 10517 (#10521) (commit)
- Cornerfixes (#10520) (commit)
- Fix banner crashing client when copying blank vanilia banner and desync in multiplayer (#10500) (commit)
- Fix: rotation of pillarwalk4 (#10514) (commit)
- Raid fixes (#10509) (commit)
- Somefixes (#10513) (commit)
- Pathfixesandhealingchanges (#10330) (commit)
- Mark item costs to actually be a singular item, not an item list, give building requirements explicit types (for the wiki) (#10507) (commit)
- fix #10490 (#10502) (commit)
- hotfix 10498 (commit)
- Fix a possible crash upon loading old disease data (#10495) (commit)
- Rework diseases to become datapacks (#10361) (commit)
- Stateless citizen item utils (#10484) (commit)
- Move sickness handler to citizendata (#10483) (commit)
- Some sickness improvements (#10482) (commit)
- Merge branch 'version/main' of into version/main (commit)
- hotfix netherminer food request (commit)
- Compat for waystones and productive bees (#10473) (commit)
- Use fake level for JEI (#10304) (commit)
- Overhaul study items (#10338) (commit)
- Concrete mixer can do multiple things before going back to the hut (#10331) (commit)
- Rework lucky ores to become datapacks (#10343) (commit)
- Fancy fixes (#10475) (commit)
- Fixes (#10479) (commit)
- Revert "Update all forge event code, attempt to become loader unaware (#10397)" (commit)
- Revert "Add JEI request search to crafting teach window (#10438)" (commit)
- Revert "Add option to enable/disable zombie villager converting to visitor (#10456)" (commit)
- Update all forge event code, attempt to become loader unaware (#10397) (commit)
- Add JEI request search to crafting teach window (#10438) (commit)
- Add merge group/queue running to CI (commit)
- Add option to enable/disable zombie villager converting to visitor (#10456) (commit)
- fix 10461 (commit)
- rerun datagen (commit)
- fix 10455 (#10457) (commit)
- Improve non-tool catalyst handling (#10392) (commit)
- stop end of ladder bobbing #10435 (#10459) (commit)
- new visitor/name + fix #10450 (#10451) (commit)
- Medieval and Jungle Treehouse tweaks (part 5) in 1.20.1 (#10453) (commit)
- Bunch of fixes (#10445) (commit)
- fix recipe derp (commit)
- No more teams (#10439) (commit)
- not so strict hotfix 10432 (commit)
- Jungle tweaks (part 4) in 1.20.1 (#10430) (commit)
- Fix fisher pathfinding (#10436) (commit)
- Sound fixes for block placing/breaking (#10423) (commit)
- Cook rework (#10368) (commit)
- Hotfix npe (commit)
- Fortress, medieval and Ancient athens fixes and Jungle Treehouse tweaks (part 3) in 1.20.1 (#10415) (commit)
- Raider improvements (#10413) (commit)
- Fix builders requesting items again after already having them available. (#10404) (commit)
- Serveral pathfinding fixes (#10409) (commit)
- hotfix 10412 (commit)
- small hotfix for 10405 (commit)
- Team fix (#10403) (commit)
- allow farther range for building pos return (#10402) (commit)
- Quick hotfix to prevent stackoverflow from happening (#10398) (commit)
- Changes to the Shire alt forester (#10395) (commit)
- Fix colony teams assignment behaviour (#10239) (commit)
- consolidate building position checks (#10389) (commit)
- Adds florist to JEI (#10236) (commit)
- Fix berry bush pathfinding (#10388) (commit)
- Fix accessing unloaded chunks (#10390) (commit)
- Pathing debug additions (#10357) (commit)
- holiday setting hotfix (commit)
- Fix npe (#10384) (commit)
- Jungle tweaks (part 2) in 1.20.1 (#10379) (commit)
- Fix the minecolonies original streets (#10378) (commit)
- Upload crowdin files (#10382) (commit)
- crusher and sifter (#10375) (commit)
- Fix citizenskillhandler npe (#10374) (commit)
- Medieval and Fortress fixes and Shire and Fortress rebalancing in 1.20.1 (#10364) (commit)
- Remove free blocks from configuration (has become redundant) (#10339) (commit)
- small perf improvement (#10356) (commit)
- fix 10320 (#10346) (commit)
- Fix citizens not properly jumping (#10359) (commit)
- add more logging - hotfix (commit)
- Fortress fix and addition in 1.20.1 (#10347) (commit)
- Raidcommand changes (#10351) (commit)
- Fix colony banners not being able to render if a flag was scanned in inside a colony (#10226) (commit)
- Add crops to JEI (#10238) (commit)
- hotfix new citizen spawn (#10341) (commit)
- Various fixes (#10335) (commit)
- New shire carpenter's hut (#10328) (commit)
- Don't gobble bowls (#10322) (commit)
- Add progress and fix cancel (#10324) (commit)
- Hotfix max citizen config (commit)
- Change citizen skill handler from tuple to data class (#10291) (commit)
- prevent rs crash (#10319) (commit)
- Fix explicit requests for recipes (#10310) (commit)
- Pagoda and Desert Oasis fixes in 1.20.1 (#10298) (commit)
- Spacewars and Medieval Oak fixes and Minecolonies Original and Colonial additions in 1.20.1 (#10289) (commit)
- Remove some unnecessary artifacts from being deployed (#10256) (commit)
- Fix deserialization error after removing a mod that adds a job (#10275) (commit)
- things shouldn't crash (#10284) (commit)
- Various fixes and Improvements (#10242) (commit)
- Fix kitchen resolving food requests that are not taught (#10288) (commit)
- Fortress, Incan, Medieval Birch and Medieval Dark Oak fixes in 1.20.1 (#10247) (commit)
- Update crafterfemale1_b.png (#10268) (commit)
- Fix guards unable to request shields (#10227) (commit)
- Fortress plantation fields and dyer's hut fix in 1.20.1 (#10228) (commit)
- solve request issues (#10232) (commit)
- Fix inability resolve warehouse requests (#10224) (commit)
- Fix a crash upon deserialization of equipment types in recipes (#10221) (commit)
- Fix/warehouse issue (#10218) (commit)
- Buildtool descriptions (#10089) (commit)
- Add biome tag audit (#10080) (commit)
- Tool registry (#10190) (commit)
- Fix time based happiness working as expected (#10196) (commit)
- Update (#10213) (commit)
- Pagoda rescan and Fortress fix in 1.20.1 (#10216) (commit)
- Fix translations:tm: (commit)
- correct order (commit)
- hotfix oopsy (commit)
- resilience improvement (#10206) (commit)
- Fix versioning for 1.20 with new OPC update (#10205) (commit)
- fix port compile errors (commit)
- Ray fixes (#10201) (commit)
- crowdin (commit)
- Update actions files, gradle files, cleanup (#10198) (commit)
- Make pond actually check for what is on wiki (#10175) (commit)
- Do not run needless patreon auth checks (#10136) (commit)
- Fix pepper hummus (#10178) (commit)
- Rescan of Caledonia warehouse (#10154) (commit)
- Prevent some crashes (#10180) (commit)
- Fix npe with bad crafting recipes after e.g. mod removal (#10163) (commit)
- Add a few npe fixes and small adjustments to info commands (#10161) (commit)
- Give baker a chance to return all kinds of bottles (#10153) (commit)
- Fix build pipeline [internal] (#10141) (commit)
- Fix mercenary rendering (commit)
- Pathing improvement (#10148) (commit)
- Fix/double warehouse (#10149) (commit)
- Only deserialize valid requestresolveidentities (#10140) (commit)
- Try catch events we post (#10139) (commit)
- fix 10132 (#10134) (commit)
- Sync and other improvements (#10135) (commit)
- Give permission to write packages (commit)
- Thodor12 patch 1 (#10128) (commit)
- Several fixes for bottles and mod compilationn errors (#10126) (commit)
- use forge (commit)
- actions (commit)
- TeamCity change in 'Let's Dev Together / Minecolonies / Beta' project: build features of 'Release' build configuration were updated (commit)
- Smallfixes (#10120) (commit)
- Caledonia cookery (#10121) (commit)
- Pagoda additions, Spacewars change and Fortress fix in 1.20.1 (#10116) (commit)
- add new gitignore (commit)
- Fix compost application rules to Minecolonies crops (#10104) (commit)
- resilience++ (#10110) (commit)
- more resilience (#10111) (commit)
- Send incompatible mods to the logs for easier recognition (#10100) (commit)
- Dynamic trees re-compat (#9706) (commit)
- Lost Mesa City, Minecolonies Original and Colonial fixes in 1.20 (#10105) (commit)
- Resilient rs (#10107) (commit)
- Small improvements (#10101) (commit)
- hotfix entity toggle no longer done slow sure check (commit)
- Update (#10099) (commit)
- Cavern additions, Colonial and Fortress fixes in 1.20.1 (#10096) (commit)
- Evaluate loot pool conditions too (#10090) (commit)
- Ye daft crafter, ye cannae make buckets from bottles (#10081) (commit)
- Some fixes (#10085) (commit)
- Redo everything but the military files in colonial (#10088) (commit)
- Rollback of all modified colonial files (#10086) (commit)
- Add mud bricks to paths and sanity-fix the dyer (#9894) (commit)
- Add new jugs and seperate loottables (#10072) (commit)
- Ware balance (#10076) (commit)
- Whoops (#10070) (commit)
- John's cookeries (#10065) (commit)
- Fix clicking on arrow to get possible recipes (#10067) (commit)
- Fix food auditor for new food system (#10059) (commit)
- Tool handling (#10051) (commit)
- fix 10047 (#10064) (commit)
- Don't treat domum items as equivalent when reporting resource deliveries (#10049) (commit)
- Quarrier tweaks (#10052) (commit)
- Fixes crash if rack next to hut (#10056) (commit)
- Medieval, Desert Oasis, Minecolonies and Colonial additions, Medieval fix and Fortress change (#10057) (commit)
- Food related fixe (#10054) (commit)
- Allow rice to actually drop :D (#10058) (commit)
- Allow teaching crafting recipes to kitchen at levels 1-2 (#10048) (commit)
- Cookery fixes (#10041) (commit)
- fix 10035 & 10036 (#10040) (commit)
- Schematic kitchen preparations (#10005) (commit)
- Cavern and Ancient Athens fixes (#10027) (commit)
- Minecolonies food (#10018) (commit)
- Migrate to new structure operations in favor of ticked world operation (#10012) (commit)
- fix #10010 (#10017) (commit)
- Fix workers not displaying request when converting an async request to a sync request (#10015) (commit)
- Fortress, Shire and Medieval Birch fixes (#10007) (commit)
- fix npe (#10014) (commit)
- TeamCity change in 'Let's Dev Together / Minecolonies / Branches' project: triggers of 'Build' build configuration were updated (commit)
- blame sam, hotfix (commit)
- courier adjutment + sleep adjustments (#10004) (commit)
- Add kitchen placeholder (#10001) (commit)
- Some pickup changes & UI include warehouse list (#9992) (commit)
- Medieval and Ancient Athens fixes (#10002) (commit)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images (#10000) (commit)
- Rework the quarrier to support other builder modes in the future (#9967) (commit)
- Fix enum naming for direction for raids (#9995) (commit)
- Rack fixes (#9997) (commit)
- Update greek texture style to include all (#9998) (commit)
- Some perm changes (#9989) (commit)
- Mark the Fortress mine guard as invisible (#9983) (commit)
- Caledonia and Pagoda updates (#9984) (commit)
- Improve fisher (#9986) (commit)
- Further quest progress (#9980) (commit)
- Prevent builder from standing where hes mining below (#9981) (commit)
- avoid nearby colony lookup on each frame (#9972) (commit)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images (#9979) (commit)
- Fix the tags in the Nordic Spruce vine plantation field (#9971) (commit)
- New patreon pattern + name (#9978) (commit)
- Central Courier Task Assignment (#9969) (commit)
- Minecolonies Original fix and Jungle Treehouse tweak (#9960) (commit)
- Only hit at line of sight (#9966) (commit)
- fix john exploit (#9962) (commit)
- Fixes (#9964) (commit)
- Fix fisher depth to vanilla like (#9961) (commit)
- Fix: quarrier's interaction with the zigzag iterator (#9959) (commit)
- Ancient greece (#9958) (commit)
- Prevent crash on damaging unregistered citizen (#9957) (commit)
- Small performance improvements (#9953) (commit)
- Miner ylevels (#9936) (commit)
- add null check (#9956) (commit)
- Add safeguard to mods messing with follow range (#9955) (commit)
- Fix farmer not tilling (#9952) (commit)
- add builder mode tooltips (#9951) (commit)
- Reworked fisher pond search (#9938) (commit)
- Fix food recipes (#9937) (commit)
- Update (#9940) (commit)
- Message fixes (#9945) (commit)
- Fix 9947 (#9948) (commit)
- sound manager rework (#9949) (commit)
- Fix compile (#9941) (commit)
- Refactor packages (#9935) (commit)
- Merge branch 'version/main' of into version/main (commit)
- new visitor and visitor changes (commit)
- Pathfinding fixes (#9930) (commit)
- Support for overworld mushroom trees in forester (#9924) (commit)
- Improvements for free blocks management (#9911) (commit)
- ship raid changes (#9927) (commit)
- Builder etc fixes (#9928) (commit)
- Rebalance baker foods (#9895) (commit)
- add null check (commit)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images (#9920) (commit)
- Polymorph-like support for teaching crafting (#9907) (commit)
- Feature/underwater raiders (#9899) (commit)
- Visitor changes (#9917) (commit)
- make quests more uncommon, move research (#9906) (commit)
- Fix random bias (#9919) (commit)
- Avoid error messages/mod compat on duplicate entities (#9914) (commit)
- Stepped walls, roads and rails (#9913) (commit)
- Small wander adjustment (#9918) (commit)
- Small fixes (#9903) (commit)
- Fix uuid conflicts (#9902) (commit)
- Fix uuid conflicts (#9901) (commit)
- Fix crafters walking outside their hut area (#9900) (commit)
- Jungle Treehouse, Fortress and Minecolonies Original fixes (#9896) (commit)
- Fix pathing over blocks over water (#9897) (commit)
- Merge branch 'version/main' of into version/main (commit)
- hotfix (commit)
- Allow tree chopping inside buildings when in a box again (#9888) (commit)
- Add more compatible entity creation (#9893) (commit)
- Citizenfixes (#9891) (commit)
- Fortress addition, Desert Oasis change and fixes in Colonial, Fortress and Cavern (#9878) (commit)
- Fix random pathing getting stuck (#9886) (commit)
- Multi fixes (#9882) (commit)
- miner liquid handling fixes (#9880) (commit)
- Several fixes (#9879) (commit)
- Move quests to colony/quests (#9850) (commit)
- Because (#9852) (commit)
- Dynamic gate tooltip (#9873) (commit)
- Change shepherd ITEM_USED statistics to ITEM_OBTAINED (#9874) (commit)
- Builder pathfinding (#9872) (commit)
- Fix citizens loaded from chunks replacing active citizen (#9869) (commit)
- Fix npe (commit)
- Fix pathing exception with extra nodes (commit)
- Fix npe (commit)
- Fix missing null checks (commit)
- pathfinding heuristics (#9863) (commit)
- Fix tooltip appearing on settings where it shouldn't (#9848) (commit)
- Merge branch 'name-fixes' into version/1.19.2 (#9862) (commit)
- Several fixes (#9857) (commit)
- Fix infinite debugging (#9856) (commit)
- fix to map sync (#9853) (commit)
- Refactor stories system (#9841) (commit)
- Shire fix and Medieval adjustments (#9846) (commit)
- couple of fixes (#9845) (commit)
- Several fixes (#9833) (commit)
- Fix citizen references (#9844) (commit)
- Hotfix lumberjack pathfinding (commit)
- fix path reaching value (#9840) (commit)
- Update housing2.json (#9834) (commit)
- bunch of fixes (#9832) (commit)
- Pathfinding restructuring & Fixes (#9837) (commit)
- Update issue templates (#9838) (commit)
- hotfix 9828 (commit)
- Fix stonemason not being able to craft decorated pots, remove dyeing recipes from stonemason (and other buildings where same issue may exist) (#9827) (commit)
- Immersive colony start (#9826) (commit)
- add new way to detect DO mining (#9825) (commit)
- Minecolonies Original and Stalactite Caves fix (#9818) (commit)
- Fix second crash in townhall map GUI (#9823) (commit)
- fix 9822 (commit)
- Improve raider entity spawn position (#9802) (commit)
- [ImgBot] Optimize images (#9799) (commit)
- Bunch o fixes (#9815) (commit)
- Fix visitor sitting position being off at large coordinates (#9813) (commit)
- Fix the Stalactite Caves barracks having an end stone block at levels 3 and 4 (#9808) (commit)
- Fix backups not loading from all dimensions (#9807) (commit)
- Fix 9804 (#9806) (commit)
- pathfinding adjustments (#9798) (commit)
- Medieval Oak and Minecolonies Original fixes (#9797) (commit)
- Fix armor level checking (#9786) (commit)
- Fix rotation of decoration controllers (#9792) (commit)
- Add set rank command (#9789) (commit)
- Some fixes (#9796) (commit)
- add water clearing step, use spawn entity step, fix msg (#9790) (commit)
- fix wayyyyy too large pngs (commit)
- Supply camp and ship enhancement (#9779) (commit)
- Fix double feeding confusion (#9784) (commit)
- Urban Savannah and Colonial fixes in 1.20.1 (#9777) (commit)
- Update jpegs to pngs (#9783) (commit)
- fix entity kill stat display and fix break event cancel (#9780) (commit)
- fix 9774 (#9775) (commit)