github ldc-developers/ldc v1.27.1
LDC 1.27.1

latest releases: v1.39.0-beta1, dmd-rewrite-v2.109.0, dmd-rewrite-v2.109.0-rc.1...
2 years ago

Big news

  • Frontend, druntime and Phobos are at version 2.097.2. (#3811)
  • Revamped and improved -ftime-trace implementation for compiler profiling/tracing, now excluding LLVM-internal traces, adding frontend memory tracing, source file location infos etc. (#3797)
  • An official prebuilt package for Linux AArch64 is available again after migrating from Shippable to Travis. (#3733)

Bug fixes

  • ICE for 64-bit targets with 32-bit pointer size. (#3802, #3808)
  • Implement core.atomic.pause() for some architectures. (#3806, #3807)

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