github ldc-developers/ldc v0.17.5
LDC 0.17.5

latest releases: v1.39.0-beta1, dmd-rewrite-v2.109.0, dmd-rewrite-v2.109.0-rc.1...
6 years ago

This is not the latest LDC version! :)
LDC 0.17.x versions are maintained to support "bootstrapping" builds of newer compiler versions when the system has no D compiler installed: 0.17.x is the last version that does not need a D compiler to be built.

This release mainly just adds LLVM 5.0 support. Please refer to the 0.17.0, 0.17.1, 0.17.2, and 0.17.3 changelogs for the complete set of changes in this version.


  • Added LLVM 5.0 support.
  • druntime: fixes for Android and addition of core.math.yl2x[p1]() for x86(_64) targets.
  • dmd-testsuite: backported runnable/cppa.d fix for GCC > 5.
  • CI updates.

Platform support

  • Supports LLVM 3.5 - 5.0.

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