github launchdarkly/java-server-sdk 5.10.0

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21 months ago

[5.10.0] - 2022-07-28

The main purpose of this release is to introduce a new logging facade, com.launchdarkly.logging, to streamline how logging works in LaunchDarkly Java and Android code. Previously, the Java SDK always used SLF4J for logging; developers needed to provide an SLF4J configuration externally to specify the actual logging behavior. In this release, the default behavior is still to use SLF4J, but the logging facade can also be configured programmatically to do simple console logging without SLF4J, or to forward output to another framework such as java.util.logging, or to multiple destinations, or to capture output in memory. In a future major version release, the default behavior may be changed so that the SDK does not require SLF4J as a dependency.


  • In LoggingConfigurationBuilder, the new methods adapter and level, for the new logging capabilities mentioned above.
  • TestData.FlagBuilder.variationForAll and valueForAll: new names for the deprecated methods listed below.


  • TestData.FlagBuilder.variationForAllUsers and valueForAllUsers: These methods are being renamed because in the future, there will be other possible kinds of evaluation inputs that are not users, and these test methods will apply equally to those.

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