github langgenius/dify 1.1.2

latest releases: 0.15.6-alpha.1, 1.1.3, 0.15.5...
3 days ago

✨ What’s New in v1.1.2? ✨

Thanks for keeping up with Dify! This patch delivers some important fixes to boost the stability and security of your operations.


This update includes a critical fix for an XSS vulnerability. Cloud users are not affected by this issue.

This version disables the SVG rendering in the message. If you are using our Community Edition and meet all of the following conditions, we recommend that you upgrade to the current version immediately:

  1. Your service is exposed to the internet.
  2. You provide external WebApps.
  3. You have not configured SERVICE_API_URL and FILES_URL on different domains.

🛠️ Fixes & Improvements

  • Security: Resolved an XSS vulnerability related to rendering SVGs, closing a security gap with help from @iamjoel in #16433.

  • Knowledge Base Cleanup: Fixed an issue where the OpenAPI interface couldn't delete metadata, thanks to @StrayDragon in #16365. Now clearing out old or unnecessary metadata is straightforward.

  • GitHub Plugin Installation: Resolved an import DSL issue that blocked the installation of the GitHub plugin, thanks to @junjiem in #16362. This patch ensures smoother plugin integrations.

  • Metadata Migration Check: Added a check for built-in fields during old metadata migration to ensure completeness and accuracy, contributed by @JohnJyong in #16371. Your metadata migrations have stepped up in robustness.

  • Literal Syntax Error Handling: Fixed errors related to literal_eval function usage, courtesy of @svcvit in #16297. These changes help keep your code from breaking due to syntax evaluation.

This update is all about refining the edges and enhancing the user experience—an essential pit-stop on our road to new features and capabilities. Keep those contributions and feedback coming, and let's make Dify even better, together! 🚀

Upgrade Guide

Docker compose deployments

  1. Back up your customized docker-compose YAML file (optional)

    cd docker
    cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml.$(date +%s).bak
  2. Get the latest code from the main branch

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  3. Stop the service, Command, please execute in the docker directory

    docker compose down
  4. Back up data

    tar -cvf volumes-$(date +%s).tgz volumes
  5. Upgrade services

    docker compose up -d

Source Code deployments

  1. Stop the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server.

  2. Get the latest code from the release branch:

    git checkout 1.1.2
  3. Update Python dependencies:

    cd api
    poetry install
  4. Then, let's run the migration script:

    poetry run flask db upgrade
  5. Finally, run the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server again.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.1.2

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