🚀 What's New in v1.1.0
Welcome to v1.1.0! This release packs a punch with significant improvements, enhancements, and the introduction of some much-awaited features. Here's what we've got:
🚀 New Features
- Metadata Filtering for Knowledge Retrieval by @JohnJyong in #15982 and #16063. Metadata filtering enhances the retrieval and accuracy of relevant data in knowledge bases by leveraging custom metadata attributes. This makes finding the right data quicker and more precise. To get more information, please read our blog.
🛠️ Enhancements
- Improved File Upload Handling in
by @laipz8200 in #15714. - IF-ELSE Node Improvements: Handles missing optional file variables seamlessly by @lrhan321 in #15693.
- Enhanced Integration of pg_bigm for Keyword Search in pgvector by @utsumi-fj in #13876.
- Increased Maximum Number of Parallelism Branches by @XiaoBa-Yu in #15964.
- HTTP request node now supports skipping SSL verification by @sho-takano-dev in #15664.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in Vector DB by @JohnJyong in #16096. We recommend users upgrade to this version immediately to mitigate risks.
- Resolved Conditional Branches That Disrupted Streaming Output by @Nov1c444 in #14065.
- Fixed Trace Return Null Issues Causing Page Crashes by @iamjoel in #15588.
- Corrected Missing Translations by @crazywoola in #4212.
- Improved Handling of Unicode in Keyword Search Queries by @kenwoodjw in #15522.
- Fixed Dataset Re-Ranking Mode to Handle Optional Fields Gracefully by @JohnJyong in #15643.
- Resolved File Upload Method Validation Issues for Non-Image Files in Workflows by @lrhan321 in #15932.
- Fixed Nginx Template Environment Variable Replacement Issues by @LiuBodong in #15651.
- Improved InputNumber Component Behavior by @ACAne0320 in #16044.
- Opensandal Version Update by @yihong0618 in #14343.
- Updated default Milvus URI value by @codingjaguar in #13140.
- Ruff Linting Fixes bump to 0.11.0 by @bowenliang123 in #15953.
This release aims to strengthen our platform's reliability, security, and usability, and we are keen on hearing your feedback. Happy coding with v1.1.0!
Upgrade Guide
Docker compose deployments
Back up your customized docker-compose YAML file (optional)
cd docker cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml.$(date +%s).bak
Get the latest code from the main branch
git checkout main git pull origin main
Stop the service, Command, please execute in the docker directory
docker compose down
Back up data
tar -cvf volumes-$(date +%s).tgz volumes
Upgrade services
docker compose up -d
Source Code deployments
Stop the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server.
Get the latest code from the release branch:
git checkout 1.1.0
Update Python dependencies:
cd api poetry install
Then, let's run the migration script:
poetry run flask db upgrade
Finally, run the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server again.
What's Changed
- fix: nesting of conditional branches causing streaming output error by @Nov1c444 in #14065
- chore: update opendal version by @yihong0618 in #14343
- feat: add click-away and mounting logic to agent setting component by @fdb02983rhy in #15521
- fix: remove size prop in PlanBadge component because UpgradeBtn size … by @douxc in #15544
- fix: workflow loop node break by @zxhlyh in #15549
- fix: invoke_error is not callable by @jiangbo721 in #15555
- feat: add debounced enter key submission to install form (#15445) by @jw0903 in #15542
- chore: remove unused parameter by @crazywoola in #15558
- fix:message api doc by @marsDes in #15568
- fix: dataset editor by @ZhouhaoJiang in #15218
- chore: use TenantAccountRole instead of TenantAccountJoinRole by @jiangbo721 in #15514
- feat: env MAX_TOOLS_NUM by @rafaelncarvalho in #15431
- fix: set marketplace feature to false in feature_service.py by @Yeuoly in #15578
- fix: trace return null cause page crash by @iamjoel in #15588
- fix: no attribute error by @ZhouhaoJiang in #15597
- fix: can not test custom tool by @hjlarry in #15606
- fix: preserve Unicode characters in keyword search queries by @kenwoodjw in #15522
- fix dataset reranking mode miss by @JohnJyong in #15643
- fix: prevent AppIconPicker click event from propagating (#15575) by @jw0903 in #15647
- Update .env.example to fix MILVUS_URI default value by @codingjaguar in #13140
- fix: set score_threshold only when score_threshold_enabled is true. by @droxer in #14221
- fix: if-else-node handles missing optional file variables by @lrhan321 in #15693
- Ci/deploy enterprise by @GareArc in #15699
- Fix:webapp UI issues by @JzoNgKVO in #15601
- fix: update default github star count value by @douxc in #15708
- improve text split by @JohnJyong in #15719
- fix: Integration langfuse, front-end error( #15695) by @XiaoBa-Yu in #15709
- fix: Resolve errors in SQL queries caused by SELECT fields not appearing in the GROUP BY clause. by @Jam804 in #15659
- Feat: Add pg_bigm for keyword search in pgvector by @utsumi-fj in #13876
- fix: streamline file upload configuration handling in manager.py by @laipz8200 in #15714
- feat: add keyboard shortcuts support for dialog confirmation by @ACAne0320 in #15752
- fix: http_request node form-data support array[file] by @Sakura4036 in #15731
- feat: add Http Request Node to skip ssl verify function #15177 by @sho-takano-dev in #15664
- Fix style of opening statement by @JzoNgKVO in #15821
- fix document could be None by @JohnJyong in #15818
- fix: update Knowledge Api doc: 【Update a Chunk in a Document】 by @guoshiqiufeng in #15823
- chore: remove useless doc and font by @hjlarry in #15838
- fix tool selector with empty tools raise error by @hjlarry in #15829
- fix: Remove any extra Spaces in the title by @bigyifeng in #15841
- fix: iteration total tokens calculate error by @jiangbo721 in #15813
- chore(api): improve type hints for BaseNode and its subclasses by @QuantumGhost in #15826
- Chore: remove unused fields by @hyongtao-db in #15764
- FIX:microsoft word text copy and paste error by @ShadowJobs in #14905
- fix: node use vision model may caused page crash by @iamjoel in #15921
- Fix/enable marketplace bug by @BenjaminX in #15895
- Chore: fix wrong annotations by @hyongtao-db in #15871
- fix:Nginx template not replace env correctly by @LiuBodong in #15651
- fix: validation for upload methods of non-image files within the work… by @lrhan321 in #15932
- fix:delete empty table bug by @huangzhuo1949 in #15517
- fix: api error of get all workspaces by @csurong in #15880
- When decrypt_trace_config is empty, it should be skipped directly by @shaxiaozz in #15870
- fix(api): fix fail branch functionality for
by @QuantumGhost in #15966 - fix: typo when assign doc_metadata when non-empty by @StrayDragon in #15975
- chore: bump ruff to 0.11.0 and fix linting violations by @bowenliang123 in #15953
- chore(api): Disable preview rules of Ruff while running pre-commit hook by @QuantumGhost in #15999
- feat: add llm blocking invoke by @Nov1c444 in #15732
- chore: use POSIX shell syntax in pre-commit script by @QuantumGhost in #16025
- fix: fail-branch stream output error by @Nov1c444 in #13401
- fix: adjust position of table of contents in Doc component by @ZeroZ-lab in #15996
- feat: support openGauss vector database by @LittleFish-15 in #15865
- chore: enhance ListWrapper and PluginPage components with stable scro… by @fdb02983rhy in #16048
- feat: add Maximum number of Parallelism branches to env by @XiaoBa-Yu in #15964
- fix: improve InputNumber component step behavior and disabled state by @ACAne0320 in #16044
- Fixed: Run failed: Failed to invoke tool: File.init() got an unexpected keyword argument by @luckylhb90 in #14073
- Chore: PromptMessage is not an abstract base class by @hyongtao-db in #15965
- Fix HTTP Request node to give priority to file extension of content-disposition by @halogen22 in #12653
- Feat/upgrade knowledge metabase by @zxhlyh in #16063
- feat: add app_mode field to app import and model definitions by @laipz8200 in #15729
- support config filename in meta for create_blob_message by @StoneFancyX in #15605
- fix: error in migrate_annotation_vector_database when exec vdb-migrate by @naotama2002 in #15937
- fix: respect resolution settings for vision for basic chatbot, text generator, and parameter extractor node by @kurokobo in #16041
- doc: auto correct the doc using autocorrect close #16091 by @yihong0618 in #16092
- fix vector db sql injection by @JohnJyong in #16096
- fix(api): enhance provider model records handling for missing langgenius providers by @Yeuoly in #16089
- Feat:app list dark mode by @JzoNgKVO in #16110
- fix embedding model name translate issue by @JohnJyong in #16111
- Support knowledge metadata filter by @JohnJyong in #15982
- fix chatflow metadata field name by @JohnJyong in #16130
- chore: bump version to 1.1.0 by @laipz8200 in #16128
New Contributors
- @jw0903 made their first contribution in #15542
- @rafaelncarvalho made their first contribution in #15431
- @codingjaguar made their first contribution in #13140
- @lrhan321 made their first contribution in #15693
- @Jam804 made their first contribution in #15659
- @ACAne0320 made their first contribution in #15752
- @sho-takano-dev made their first contribution in #15664
- @guoshiqiufeng made their first contribution in #15823
- @bigyifeng made their first contribution in #15841
- @hyongtao-db made their first contribution in #15764
- @ShadowJobs made their first contribution in #14905
- @LiuBodong made their first contribution in #15651
- @csurong made their first contribution in #15880
- @ZeroZ-lab made their first contribution in #15996
- @LittleFish-15 made their first contribution in #15865
- @StoneFancyX made their first contribution in #15605
- @naotama2002 made their first contribution in #15937
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.1.0