github langgenius/dify 0.5.7

latest releases: 0.6.12-fix1, 0.6.12, 0.6.11...
4 months ago

New Features

  • Added Mistral AI model provider. #2594
  • Added Vector Database migrate tool, see below. #2562
  • Added response format(JSON/XML) for google, anthropic, openai, wenxin, chatglm, tongyi LLMs. #2563
  • Refactor RAG(knowledge) module, remove dependency on langchain to increase scalability and flexibility. #2528
  • Agent App utilizing an LLM with ReACT mode (not support function calling), supports streaming output. #2498
  • Added DuckDuckGo Search Tool for Enhanced Privacy-Focused Search Functionality by @Yash-1511 #2499

Vector Database Migrate Tool

When you want to switch to another vector database, you can deactivate or delete the original vector database after switching.

How to use


  1. If you are starting from local source code, modify the environment variable in the .env file to the vector database you want to migrate to.
    For example:
  1. If you are starting from docker compose, modify the environment variable in the docker-compose.yaml file to the vector database you want to migrate to, both api and worker are all needed.

For example:

# The type of vector store to use. Supported values are `weaviate`, `qdrant`, `milvus`.
  1. run the below command in your terminal or docker container
flask vdb-migrarte

Update Guide

Deploying with Docker Compose:

  1. Get the latest code from the main branch:

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  2. Go to the next step and update to the latest image:

    cd docker
    docker-compose up -d

Deploying from Source Code:

  1. Stop API server, Worker and Web frontend Server.

  2. Get the latest code from the main branch:

    git checkout main
    git pull origin main
  3. Then, let's run the migration script:

    cd api
    flask db upgrade

    Note: To use TTS, ffmpeg installation is required on servers running Dify API from source. More details can be found in our FAQ.

  4. Finally, run API server, Worker and Web frontend Server again.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.5.6...0.5.7

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