github langchain-ai/langchain langchain-community==0.3.14

Changes since langchain-community==0.3.13

community[patch]: release 0.3.14 (#29019)
community[patch]: additional check for prompt caching support (#29008)
community: Update azureml endpoint (#28953)
(Community): DuckDuckGoSearchAPIWrapper backend changed from api to auto (#28961)
community: update documentation and model IDs for FriendliAI provider (#28984)
(Community): Fix Keyword argument for AzureAIDocumentIntelligenceParser (#28959)
community[patch]: fix instantiation for Slack tools (#28990)
infra: speed up unit tests (#28974)
community: Fix error handling bug in ChatDeepInfra (#28918)
Community : Add cost information for missing OpenAI model (#28882)
community(azuresearch): allow to use any valid credential (#28873)
Community: LlamaCppEmbeddings embed_documents and embed_query (#28827)
Update (#28871)
community: Corrected aload func to be asynchronous from webBaseLoader (#28337)
community: adding langchain-predictionguard partner package documentation (#28832)
langchain_community.chat_models.oci_generative_ai: Fix a bug when using optional parameters in tools (#28829)
Langchain_Community: SQL LanguageParser (#28430)

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