github langchain-ai/langchain langchain-community==0.2.5

Release langchain-community==0.2.5

Changes since langchain-community==0.2.4

community: release 0.2.5 (#22923)
docs: Fix wrongly referenced class name in (#22879)
community[minor]: Fix async (#22839)
community[major], experimental[patch]: Remove Python REPL from community (#22904)
community[patch]: SitemapLoader restrict depth of parsing sitemap (CVE-2024-2965) (#22903)
core[patch]: fix validation of @deprecated decorator (#22513)
[Community]: HuggingFaceCrossEncoder score accounting for <not-relevant score,relevant score> pairs. (#22578)
community[minor]: add chat model llamacpp (#22589)
community[minor]: Prem Templates (#22783)
community[minor]: Implement ZhipuAIEmbeddings interface (#22821)
docs, cli[patch]: document loaders doc template (#22862)
ci: Add script to check for pickle usage in community (#22863)
community[patch]: FAISS VectorStore deserializer should be opt-in (#22861)
[docs]: added info for TavilySearchResults (#22765)
minor functionality change: adding API functionality to tavilysearch (#22761)
docs: improved recursive url loader docs (#22648)
ci: add testing with Python 3.12 (#22813)
community[patch]: fix database uri type in SQLDatabase (#22661)
community[patch]: Update root_validators embeddings: llamacpp, jina, dashscope, mosaicml, huggingface_hub, Toolkits: Connery, ChatModels: PAI_EAS, (#22828)
community[minor]: implement huggingface show_progress consistently (#22682)
community[patch]: fix hunyuan message include chinese signature error (#22795) (#22796)
community[patch]: bugfix for YoutubeLoader's LINES format (#22815)
langchain[minor]: Make EmbeddingsFilters async (#22737)
community[patch]: fix hunyuan client json analysis (#22452) (#22767)
community[patch]: Support for old clients (Thin and Thick) Oracle Vector Store (#22766)
community[patch]: Load YouTube transcripts (captions) as fixed-duration chunks with start times (#21710)
community[minor]: Adds a vector store for Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL (#21676)
[Community]: Added Metadata filter support for DocumentDB Vector Store (#22777)
Ollama vision support (#22734)
community[minor]: fix redis store docstring and streamline initialization code (#22730)
community[patch]: Kinetica Integrations handled error in querying; quotes in table names; updated gpudb API (#22724)
community[minor]: Add support for OVHcloud AI Endpoints Embedding (#22667)
community[patch]: Add missing type annotations (#22758)
community[patch]: fix WandbTracer to work with new "RunV2" API (#22673)
community[patch]: fix deepinfra inference (#22680)
community[patch]: Add function response to graph cypher qa chain (#22690)
community[minor]: add Volcengine Rerank (#22700)
community[patch]: Small Fix in OutlookMessageLoader (Close the Message once Open) (#22744)
Community[minor]: Add language parser for Elixir (#22742)
community[patch]: Use Custom Logger Instead of Root Logger in get_user_agent Function (#22691)
community[minor]: Add SQL storage implementation (#22207)
couchbase: Add the initial version of Couchbase partner package (#22087)
community[minor]: Add UpstashRatelimitHandler (#21885)

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