github kysely-org/kysely 0.27.5

5 days ago

Hey 👋

Long-time community member and ambassador @thelinuxlich has joined the contributors club! 🏅

v0.28 is right around the corner! 👀

🚀 Features

PostgreSQL 🐘 / MySQL 🐬 / SQLite 📘
  • Add orderBy clause support to aggregate function builder by @ivashog in #896
PostgreSQL 🐘 / MySQL 🐬
  • Adds onReserveConnection to Postgres and MySQL dialect configs by @dcousineau in #996
PostgreSQL 🐘
MS SQL Server 🥅
  • Add additional config options to MSSQL dialect by @tmrclark in #1073

🐞 Bugfixes

  • Updated TraversedJSONPathBuilder.$castTo and .$notNull to support chaining with .as() by @cassus in #1139
  • DeduplicateJoinsPlugin preserves order of joins by @sam-lewis-storyteq in #1156

📖 Documentation

📦 CICD & Tooling

⚠️ Breaking Changes

🐤 New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.27.4...master

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