2.13.1 (2023-04-28)
Each release, small or big, brings precious improvements to the Kyma world. With Kyma 2.13.1, we've patched Istio to version 1.17.2 and NATS to 2.9.16. Also we fixed a few security vulnerabilities in the components.
Application Connector + Compass Runtime Agent
- #17391 bumps images for the fix of golang.org/x/net-v0.5.0 (@Disper)
- #17345 bumps golang to 1.20.3 (@Disper)
- #17356 images bump (@Disper)
- #17385 Updates golang.org/x/net-v0.5.0 to 0.7.0 (@Disper)
- #17339 Cherry-picked changes to eventing FI tests (@mfaizanse)
- #17336 Image bump for Eventing Controller - Rel 2.13 (@mfaizanse)
- #17332 Cherry-picked changes for length check and metrics - Rel: 2.13 (@mfaizanse)
- #17396 Cherry pick nats-server upgrade (@ k15r)
API Gateway
- #17429 Bump postgres-exporter image (@werdes72)
- #17404 Bump gce-proxy to 1.33.6 (@werdes72)
- #17406 Bump api-gateway to 1.5.1 (@werdes72)