github kyma-project/kyma 1.3.0

latest releases: 2.20.0, 2.20.0-rc1, 2.19.3...
4 years ago

Get started

Experimental features

This release introduces Compass, a new experimental component. To enable it, follow the instructions for custom component installation and enable the compass module.

After the component installation, you can access GraphQL IDE for Compass modules. GraphQL IDE contains API documentation and interactive console for GraphQL operations.
Navigate to https://compass-gateway.{domain}/director to access GraphQL IDE for the Director component. Connector GraphQL IDE is available under the https://compass-gateway.{domain}/connector URL. For local installation, replace {domain} with kyma.local.

1.3.0-rc2 (2019-07-11)

Application Connector



Committers: 5

1.3.0-rc1 (2019-07-08)

Application Connector

  • #4820 Add Licenses to Application Connectivity Certs Setup Job (@Szymongib)
  • #4568 Fetching API spec with credentials images bump (@akgalwas)
  • #4789 Save certificate chain to cluster secret in Connectivity Certs Controller (@Szymongib)
  • #4661 Fetch spec with authentication application registry (@akgalwas)
  • #4724 Generate Application Connector certificates if not provided by the user (@Szymongib)
  • #4563 Refactor Application Gateway to expose authorisation related code (@akgalwas)
  • #4679 Change namespace of Connector Service Destination Rule (@Szymongib)
  • #4664 Add optional destination rule for Connector Service (@Szymongib)
  • #4629 Bump Connector Service and Connectivity Certs Controller images (@franpog859)
  • #4552 Change root CA secret key expected by Connector Service and Connectivity Certs Controller (@Szymongib)
  • #4575 Remove resource names form Connectivity Certs Controller RBAC (@Szymongib)
  • #4423 Bump images of Application Registry, Operator and Gateway (@Szymongib)
  • #4511 Config docs application connector (@mmitoraj)
  • #4505 Update ApplicationMapping documentation (@adamwalach)
  • #4341 Store additional headers and query parameters in the secret (@franpog859)
  • #4348 Remove secret data from Entry API in Application Operator package (@franpog859)
  • #4154 Bump Application Registry and add timeout flags (@franpog859)


Service Catalog



Service Mesh





  • #4554 Enable tracing for GraphQL server in console backend service (@m00g3n)
  • #4541 Add a configuration document for the Tracing component (@kazydek)





Core and Supporting

Committers: 43

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