github kyegomez/swarms 0.8.1

latest releases: 6.8.1, 5.3.7, 2.5.0...
18 months ago

Bug Fixes

Issue: Lack of error handling and logging. Root Cause: The initial code did not have any error handling or logging mechanisms in place. This could lead to silent failures or uninformative error messages when something goes wrong. Resolution: Added extensive error handling and logging throughout the code. Each method now checks for required parameters and raises a ValueError with a descriptive message if a required parameter is missing. Additionally, try/except blocks have been added around the main logic of each method to catch any exceptions that might occur, log an error message, and re-raise the exception.

Issue: Lack of input validation. Root Cause: The initial code did not validate the inputs to the methods. This could lead to unexpected behavior or errors if invalid inputs are provided. Resolution: Added checks at the beginning of each method to validate the inputs. If an input is invalid (e.g., None when it should not be), an error message is logged and a ValueError or TypeError is raised.

Features Implemented

Feature: Modularization of parameters. Description: Made all meaningful parameters in the create_agent and create_worker_node methods optional with default values. This allows the user to customize the agent and worker node as needed without having to provide all parameters.

Feature: Documentation. Description: Added docstrings to each method to explain what they do. This will help users understand how to use the methods and what to expect from them.

Feature: Improved logging. Description: Configured the logging module to log messages with the timestamp, log level, and message. This will make the logs more informative and easier to read.

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