25/02/23 - New Update:
- Legality:
- Added: Handling for new HOME gifts (Meltan, Keldeo, Manaphy, Enamorus).
- Added: Gen7b Received DateTime validation. This was missed for how many years? Use the batch editor to fix any affected.
- Added: Gen1 recognition for Japanese tour Mews. Thanks @ShadowMario3 !
- Added: Separated word filter for NDS, 3DS, and Switch contexts. Thanks @abcboy101 !
- Added: Gen3 encounters now show nearest initial seeds and frame counts elapsed.
- Added: Gen4 Pokewalker IV spreads are now validated and show initial seeds.
- Added: Current PP verifier. This is a naive check to highlight box mons that haven't been healed since capture. Will be improved in future.
- Added: Gen1 Hall of Fame editor.
- Added: Gen3 Hall of Fame editor.
- Added: Gen3 Secret Base editor. Thanks @pasqualenardiello !
- Fixed: Gen7b encounters now generate with a valid Received DateTime.
- Fixed: Gen6 Link data now saves correctly. Thanks @R-YaTian !
- Changed: Gen3 RSBox now shows boxes similar to visual row order in-game rather than by order in the save file.
- Changed: Sprite generating performance improved (less allocation).
- Changed: Encounter template generating loops have been improved to better seek input criteria (IVs, nature, etc).