20/02/08 - New Update:
- Legality:
- Added: Milcery & Toxtricity distribution data.
- Fixed: Runerigus FormArgument handling checks updated.
- Fixed: ORAS flute level boosts increased from 3 to 4.
- Fixed: FRLG Unown locations are now checked correctly. Thanks @Kermalis!
- Fixed: Gen1/2 Stadium gifts are now checked more thoroughly. Thanks @FeralFalcon!
- Added: Gen8 Team Slots are now recognized and locked for editing. Thanks Anubis, @architdate, @Wanderer1391!
- Added: Gen8 Block Info editor now has more blocks labeled.
- Added: Gen8 Raid editor now shows the raid type enumeration, and more cleanly sets flags. Thanks @3096 & @slp32!
- Added: Gen8 setting to a slot will now increment game records. Thanks @CanoeHope!
- Added: Gen8 Rental Team reading. Thanks @architdate!
- Added: Gen4 Togepi egg gift event constant. Thanks @asterysx!
- Changed: Gen8 Block Info editor now sorts blocks by current value.
- Changed: Gen7 default hatch location is now Paniola Ranch instead of one of the routes. Thanks @CanoeHope!
- Changed: Tab indexes (pressing tab to jump between controls) now behaves more fluidly in the main window.
- Changed: Save Editor buttons (like Trainer Info, Pokédex) are now sorted alphabetically for easier locating.
- Changed: Mystery Gift - Can now delete multiple Gift Received flags at a time. Thanks @murrty!
- Changed: Updated Korean translation. Thanks @yurical!
- Fixed: Gen8 Trainer Editor no longer screws up game language.
- Fixed: Showdown Sets are now exported more accurately (hyper training / foreign species names).