github kukuruzka165/materialgram v5.0.2.1

latest releases: v5.2.1.1, v5.2.0.1, v5.1.7.1...
one month ago
  • Report webview platform as android (for bots that only work from mobile)

Official changelog:

  • Toggle chats search focus by Tab key.
  • Unfocus empty search by Backspace key.
  • Add a spoiler to already sent media when editing.
  • Forward by drag-n-drop to frequent contacts / recent searches.
  • Allow wide chats list in empty window with narrow list when a chat is opened.
  • Improve custom font support in the input fields.
  • Fix input method typing from unfocused search.
  • Fix possible media reordering on batch send.
  • Fix crash in group emoji set saving.
  • Fix possible hang on quit on macOS.
  • Fix several crashes in new interfaces.
  • Fix monospace font size.
  • Fix possible problem with underline font size.

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