github kubewarden/helm-charts kubewarden-crds-0.1.0

What's new?

  • Introduce a PolicyServer CRD that allow users to describe a Policy Server Deployment. The configuration of PolicyServer is now done through this resource, instead of using the policy-server ConfigMap.
  • ClusterAdmissionPolicy has the following changes:
    • A new PolicyStatus field which can be: unscheduled, unschedulable, pending or active
    • A new condition called PolicyActive.
    • A policyServer attribute. This is used to specify which instance of PolicyServer is going to host the policy. If nothing is specified, the policy will be scheduled on the PolicyServer named default. This one is created by the helm chart at installation time.

How to upgrade?

Unfortunately helm upgrade is not supported for this release. Uninstall previous kubewarden installation and delete the ClusterAdmissionPolicy CRD:

kubectl delete --all
helm uninstall --namespace kubewarden kubewarden-controller
kubectl delete namespace kubewarden
kubectl delete crd 

Then install kubewarden's new version:

 kubectl apply -f
 helm install --create-namespace -n kubewarden kubewarden-crds kubewarden/kubewarden-crds
 helm install --wait -n kubewarden kubewarden-controller kubewarden/kubewarden-controller

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