github kubevela/kubevela v1.0.0

latest releases: v1.9.11, v1.9.10, v1.9.9...
3 years ago

We're excited to announce the release of KubeVela 1.0.0! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Thanks to all the new and existing contributors who helped make this release happen!

You may already noticed the awesome community has shipped a brand new KubeVela website ! 🎉🎉

If you're new to KubeVela, feel free to start with its getting started page and learning about its core concepts. The full feature of vela is explained in platform builder guide.

For existing adopters, please follow the installing or upgrading KubeVela to version 1.0.0.

Acknowledgements ❤️

Thanks to everyone who made this release possible!

@captainroy-hy @sunny0826 @leejanee @yangsoon @wangyikewxgm @hongchaodeng @zzxwill @ryanzhang-oss @resouer @wonderflow @hprotzek @vnzongzna @majian159 @Cweiping @mengjiao-liu @kushthedude @unknwon @Ghostbaby @mosesyou @dylandee @wangkai1994 @LeoLiuYan @just-do1 @hoopoe61 @Incubator4th @TomorJM @hahchenchen @zeed-w-beez @allenhaozi @mason1kwok @kinsolee @shikanon @96RadhikaJadhav

What's New

API version upgraded to v1beta1

All user facing APIs have been upgraded to v1beta1, you could learn more details in the API Changes section below.


The ComponentDefinition now takes the responsibility of defining encapsulation and abstraction for your app components. And you are free to choose to use Helm chart or CUE to define them. This leaves WorkloadDefinition focusing on declaring workload characteristic such as replicable, childResource etc, so the spec.schematic field in WorkloadDefinition could be deprecated in next few releases.

Application Versioning and Progressive Rollout

  • A rolling style upgrade was supported by the object called AppRollout. It can help you to upgrade an Application from source revision to the target and support Blue/Green, Canary and A/B testing rollout strategy.
  • Multi-Version, Multi-Cluster Application Deployment was supported by the object called AppDeployment. It can help you to deploy multiple revision apps to multiple clusters with leverage of Service Mesh.

Visualization Enhancement

KubeVela now automatically generates Open-API-v3 Schema for all the definition abstractions including CUE, Helm and raw Kubernetes resource templates. You can integrate KubeVela with your own dashboard and generate forms from definitions at ease!

Application Abstraction

There're several major updates on the Application abstraction itself:

CUE Template Enhancement

  • Runtime information context was supported, you could use this information to render the resources in CUE template.
  • Data passing was supported during CUE rendering. Specifically, the context.output contains the rendered workload API resource and the context.outputs.<xx> contains all the other rendered API resources.
  • K8s API resources are now built-in packages: the K8s built-in API including CRD will be discovered by KubeVela and automatically built as CUE packages, you can use it in your CUE template. This is very helpful in validation especially on writing new CUE templates.
  • Dry-run Application was supported along with a debug and test guide for building CUE template. You can create CUE based definitions with confidence now!
  • Deploy resources in different namespaces was supported now, you can specify namespace in your CUE template.

Declare and Consume Cloud Resources

  • Declare and consume cloud resources were supported now in KubeVela, you can easily register cloud resources by ComponentDefinition and bind the service into the applications.

A brand new website

We have upgraded our website based on "Docusaurus". All docs is automatically generated from KubeVela while the blogs are on


API Changes

  1. Change definition from cluster scope to namespace scope #1085 the cluster scope CRD was still compatible.
  2. Application Spec changes.
    • spec.components[x].settings in v1alpha2 was changed to spec.components[x].properties in v1beta1
    • spec.components[x].traits[x].name in v1alpha2 was changed to spec.components[x].traits[x].type in v1beta1

Example of the v1alpha2 Spec:

kind: Application
  name: first-vela-app
    - name: express-server
      type: webservice
        - name: ingress

Example of the v1beta1 Spec:

kind: Application
  name: first-vela-app
    - name: express-server
      type: webservice
        - type: ingress


  1. route/autoscaler/metrics these three traits and their controllers were moved out from the vela core. #1172 You could still find and use them from
  2. the dashboard was deprecated in KubeVela and we will merge these features and create a new in velacp soon.
  3. vela CLI will only support run/modify an app from appfile by using vela up, so some other commands related were deprecated, such as vela svc deploy, vela <trait> ...

Other Notable changes

  1. prometheus and certmanager CRD are not required in installation #1005
  2. Parent overrides child when annotation/labels conflicts && one revision will apply once only in force mode && AC.status CRD updated #1109
  3. ApplicationRevision CRD Object was introduced as revision of Application #1214
  4. KubeVela chart image pull policy was changed to Always from IfNotPresent #1228
    5. Application Controller will use AppContext to manage the resources generation #1245, in other word, you can run KubeVela Application Controller without any v1apha2 Object.
  5. The regular time for all events automatically sync changed from 5min to 1 hour #1285
  6. vela system dry-run will print raw K8s resources in a better format #1246

Known Issues

  1. Built-in CUE package was not supported now for K8s Cluster v1.20, we will support in the next release. #1313
  2. Resources created in different namespace from application will only be garbage collected (GC) when the application deleted, an update will not trigger GC for now, we will fix it in the next release. #1339

Thanks again to all the contributors!

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