github kubeshark/kubeshark v52.3.59

latest releases: v52.3.68, v52.3.62
one month ago

v52.3.59 (2024-05-24)

Release Highlights

Keywords: OpenShift, eBPF, performance, Kafka

This release focuses on fixing several significant bugs that adversely impacted Kubeshark's performance. We also improved Kubeshark's name/IP resolution using eBPF capabilities, especially in situations where the pods reside on the host network. Finally, we extended our Kafka support to cover the entire protocol.

New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Added a necessary SCC to the OpenShift Helm template (#1539)
  • Added the ability to indicate specific Docker tags for each software component (e.g., front, worker, hub)(487f0b9)
  • Watch node events (3798bf7)
  • Full Kafka protocol support
  • Improved IP/name resolution, especially in situations where the pod is on the host network, by using cgroup ID
  • Fixed a significant bug where Kubeshark didn't detect new pod events and therefore did not capture traffic for these new pods
  • Fixed a significant bug where the Workers' CPU usage randomly jumped to 100% (#1544)

Download Kubeshark for your platform

Mac (x86-64/Intel)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Mac (AArch64/Apple M1 silicon)

rm -f kubeshark && curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (x86-64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (AArch64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Windows (x86-64)

curl -LO


SHA256 checksums available for compiled binaries.
Run shasum -a 256 -c kubeshark_OS_ARCH.sha256 to verify.

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