github kubeshark/kubeshark v52.3.0

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v52.3.0 (2024-05-02)

Release Highlights

Keywords: eBPF, TLS, Minikube, KinD, Traffic Retention

In this release, we introduce eBPF as the default mechanism for packet capture, provided that the kernel supports cgroup V2. This update includes the use of eBPF for TLS traffic capture, replacing AF_PACKET as the standard method. Additionally, we have implemented long-term traffic retention in AWS S3 and Google GCS as part of the traffic recorder. We have also addressed several bugs related to TLS traffic capture and decryption.

New Features & Bug Fixes

Download Kubeshark for your platform

Mac (x86-64/Intel)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Mac (AArch64/Apple M1 silicon)

rm -f kubeshark && curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (x86-64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (AArch64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Windows (x86-64)

curl -LO


SHA256 checksums available for compiled binaries.
Run shasum -a 256 -c kubeshark_OS_ARCH.sha256 to verify.

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